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Please read as this probably will affect you if your in the UK.

Hi Charlie,
Having read through, i can see a few issues regarding firearms that may arise but no specific points relating to our area of interest being inert ordnance collecting, unless i missed it hidden in a myriad of legal waffle.
If anyone has spotted anything in relation to this can they post a page number so i can re read please.
Thanks for posting it, best regards Weasel.
Hi Weasel,
I said 'probably' as most collectors of ordnance I've met have a deac or few, or shoots live. You are correct in not relating to ordnance, sorry if the post was not clearer, was in a rush. Can you edit the post to make it clearer?
Best regards,
As regards deacts, the main proposal seems to be to tighten up the definition of what is and isn't a legal deactivated firearm as there is currently some ambiguity. I was personally worried that they were thinking of restricting the ownership and / or transfer of pre-95 spec deacts, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Hi Charlie,
No problem at all, I should not of taken it so literally and should of thought about the wider collections of a lot of members, I too know quite a few that shoot, and or collect deacs etc. I was only looking for ordnance related legislative proposals, I am sure that will come :-(
Best regards Weasel.
maybe inert ammo should be in there somewhere to save the police un necessary worries when they meet a collector. you can have all the components but not assembled but they dont like primers! there is a chance for total clarification should it be taken?
It seems like obsolete calibre firearms will be the next thing to be hit as they are becoming more common in criminal use.
It seems like obsolete calibre firearms will be the next thing to be hit as they are becoming more common in criminal use.

Another example of how criminals rule the law, and descent collectors are victim of the juridicul(us) system being unable to cope with that in a decent way. In facto, criminals descide the future of our hobby.