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one meter long projectile or bomb of some sort?


New Member
hi guys. first posting. actually found your site while trying unsuccefully to ID this thing online. dont know if im disqualified for being a yank, but i figured id go ahead and throw this your way anyway, and see if anyone knew something.
background: found this in a philadelphia junkyard in 1992. junkyard guy said it had something to do with the navy, but i didnt get the feeling he really knew. originally, there was about six inches of torn steel and rubber spring/hosing sticking out the top. the paint color i would describe as a medium gray, and the serial number is mangled enough thats its hard to make out in spots, so i could be wrong on a few digits.
any help would be much appreciated. -fred.projectile.jpg
You are correct with Navy, at least mine came from a Navy base. Mine is missing the nose, it is nice to see a complete one on yours. No idea what it is, I've had mine for around 20 years and no one that has seen it knew what it was, but I never made a strong effort to get it identified. Good luck.
Not that it is going to make a lot of difference, but since every piece of ammunition is identified by diameter, what is the diameter of the main body?