I see topics in “Mines” on BOCN not very often appears now. Probably because not so many people were “in a field” during winter :tinysmile_classes_t
I want give some information about old soviet mines. Some information from my book, which still now in process of writeing.
In this topic I want to tell you about documents, which I found just two weeks ago in one book. Documents about old Soviet land-mines, most of them unknown, but with the same documents we can look with new “eyes” on some soviet mines.
Let’s start!
After Winter war in spring of 1940 in Moscow was big consultation about generalization Soviet experience of this war. In this generalization were really a lot information and about land-mines. Of course, like and mortars, air-bombs and so on
Land-mines discussed few times and that`s why I made one general document.
According to document of 03/05/1940 in Red Army used next mines and mine detectors:
1. A/T mine TM-35
2. Fuze UV (УВ).
3. 10-hoers contactor. For time delay mines.
4. 10-days contactor. For time delay mines. I don`t have picture of this contactor.
5. 35-days contactor. For time delay mines.
6. Train contactor P-12 (П-12 or П-XII). For anti-train mines.
7. Train contactor IZER-2 (ИЗЕР-2). For anti-train mines.
8. Chemical fuze. For time delay mines. Which exactly fuze it`s is I don`t know. It`s of VZDH (ВЗДХ) or VZDR (ВЗДР), but maybe and both of them, because both chemical.
9. Detectors VIM-210 (ВИМ-210) and INVETA (ИМВЕТА) [or IMVETA-21 and VIM-2(?)]. I found just one photo f IMVETA, but in documents name IMVETA-21. But some sources call detector IMVETA on photos (as I told before, just one photo) like detector VIM-2. Is it one detector or different – I don`t know, now.
Adding: In 1939 appeared A/T mine TM-39, made of metall. Why we don`t see this mine in this list I can`t say. But TM-39 produced before started Great War. And in 1940 appeared version TM-39 made of wood – TMD-40. Author and TM-39 and TMD-40 — general of engineer forces Slutin Nikolai Fedorohich (Слютин Николай Фёдорович).
List of mine and fuzes, which were in research work on 03/05/1940:
Adding: 1) Mines PMM-3, PMM-4 and PMM-5 designed in KB-30 (КБ-30). It`s plant “Impuls” (Импульс) now where produce different devices for anti-air rockets and system.
2) Mines OZM-152 and fuze MV-2 (МВ-2) for this mine, PMZ-40 and fuze MV-3 for this mine designed in GSKB-47 (ГСКБ-47). It`s “Bazalt” (Базальт) now. I supposed that and mine in position “3” designed in GSKB-47, but I didn`t find any information about wooden mine from GSKB-47 until TMD-42 (ТМД-42), which appeared in 1942 year. [Mine TMD-B (ТМД-Б) appeared in 1941 year and has another fuze. Man from GSKB-47 talks that TMD-B designed in GSKB-47 and in 1942, but I have another documents and know names of authors. “My” authors didn`t work in GSKB-47].
3) During WWII in GSKB-47 designed special railway mines for partisans which called PDM-1, PDM-2 and PDM-3. Be careful, it`s another mine as in “8”.
4) Fuze VPF designed by F.A. Hguravlev-Baranov and A.N. Bednyakov (Ф.А. Журавлев-Баранов, А.Н. Бедняков). As I know, they worked in KB-30.
In 1940 in GSKB-47 designed A/P mine PMK-40 (ПМК-40) with body made of cellulose. And in 1944 in GSKB-47 designed anti skin mine PMM-6 (ПММ-6). About PMM-6 I know just one thing - it has 200 g block of TNT.
In 1940 designed anti clearance mine AKS, which used during Great War. And in engineering magazine of devember 1942 year talks and about mine AKS-M. Probably M - modernisation, but on picture mine AKS looks like and AKS from other pictures, which I sow.
During Great War appeared and used fuzes with 16 hours (in instruction talks some of this fuzes could be and with 10 hours delay), 10 and 35 days delay. But it were copmlitly different fuzes/contactor, as in list above.
I want give some information about old soviet mines. Some information from my book, which still now in process of writeing.
In this topic I want to tell you about documents, which I found just two weeks ago in one book. Documents about old Soviet land-mines, most of them unknown, but with the same documents we can look with new “eyes” on some soviet mines.
Let’s start!
After Winter war in spring of 1940 in Moscow was big consultation about generalization Soviet experience of this war. In this generalization were really a lot information and about land-mines. Of course, like and mortars, air-bombs and so on
Land-mines discussed few times and that`s why I made one general document.
According to document of 03/05/1940 in Red Army used next mines and mine detectors:
1. A/T mine TM-35
2. Fuze UV (УВ).
3. 10-hoers contactor. For time delay mines.
4. 10-days contactor. For time delay mines. I don`t have picture of this contactor.
5. 35-days contactor. For time delay mines.
6. Train contactor P-12 (П-12 or П-XII). For anti-train mines.
7. Train contactor IZER-2 (ИЗЕР-2). For anti-train mines.
8. Chemical fuze. For time delay mines. Which exactly fuze it`s is I don`t know. It`s of VZDH (ВЗДХ) or VZDR (ВЗДР), but maybe and both of them, because both chemical.
9. Detectors VIM-210 (ВИМ-210) and INVETA (ИМВЕТА) [or IMVETA-21 and VIM-2(?)]. I found just one photo f IMVETA, but in documents name IMVETA-21. But some sources call detector IMVETA on photos (as I told before, just one photo) like detector VIM-2. Is it one detector or different – I don`t know, now.
Adding: In 1939 appeared A/T mine TM-39, made of metall. Why we don`t see this mine in this list I can`t say. But TM-39 produced before started Great War. And in 1940 appeared version TM-39 made of wood – TMD-40. Author and TM-39 and TMD-40 — general of engineer forces Slutin Nikolai Fedorohich (Слютин Николай Фёдорович).
List of mine and fuzes, which were in research work on 03/05/1940:
- A/P mines OZM-152 (ОМ-152). In 1940 wanted produce 50000.
- Mine PMZ-40 (ПМЗ-40). Wanted produce 10000 until 01/08/1940.
- A/T wooden mine. Like and PMZ-40, but made of wood. Has some pressure fuze. What the mine is it I don`t know. I haven`t found any documents about wooden mines in 1940, except TMD-40 (ТМД-40). Wanted produce 10000 until 01/09/1940.
- A/T mine with magnet fuze. Something unknown. Depth laying in ground — 0.5 m. Mass of charge – 5-10 kg. What the mine is it I don`t know. Probably it`s mine on picture from US manual. Wanted make field experiments in 1940. I think it could be this mine, but I`m not sure.
- Rail way mine with delay mechanism for 35 days and pressure contactor. I think it`s time delay mine for damage rail ways. Mass of charge – 1.0-1.5 kg. depth laying in ground – 1.5-2.0 m. Additional charge – mass which you need. Wanted make field experiments in 1940.
- Fuze for making body-traps, different mines. [No name in document, but it`s definitely fuze VPF] First fuzes had to produce to 01/09/1940. Field and Army practice experiments had to make for 01/01/1941. In 1940 had to produce 20000 fuzes. About VPF you can read here - http://www.lexpev.nl/fuzesandigniters/ussr/vpf.html
- A/P metal presser mines PMM-3, PMM-4 and PMM-5 (ПММ-3, ПММ-4, ПММ-5). First examples of mines had to produce in quantity of 2000 each mine on plants in South and South-West USSR (Definitely they were produced in Ukraine!). Quote : “To take as a backup means of arms” About PMM-3 was small topic on BOCN - http://www.bocn.co.uk/vbforum/threads/77139-Russian-APers-mine-PMM-3 About PMM-4 I don`t have any information. And about PMM-5 you can read here - http://www.saper.etel.ru/mines-4/pmm-5.html and about PMD-5 (version of PMM-5, but with wooden body) here - http://www.saper.etel.ru/mines-4/pmd-5.html PMM-5 and PMD-5 the same, difference just in material for body.
- A/P pressure mines PDM-1 and PDM-2. Both made of wood. Charge – 200 g block of TNT. First examples of mines had to produce in quantity of 5000 each mine on two plants in Leningrad and on one plant in Belorussia. Quote : “To take as a backup means of arms” In document told about five versions of wooden A/P mines, but just two name - PDM-1 and PDM-2. But all people know just PMD-6. I think PMD-6 appeared in 1940 year too and was sixth version of this wooden mine. By the way, PMD-6 laied on Soviet-German border in 21 of June in 1941 (one day before Great War!), I found notice about it in one book about sappers.
- Time delay mine for 35 days. Based on 35 days fuze. First mine had to produce to 01/10/1940 and field test to 01/01/1941.
- Time fuze for time delay mines. Delay to 16 hours. Small fuze, based on pocket watch. First fuzes had to produce in 1940.
Adding: 1) Mines PMM-3, PMM-4 and PMM-5 designed in KB-30 (КБ-30). It`s plant “Impuls” (Импульс) now where produce different devices for anti-air rockets and system.
2) Mines OZM-152 and fuze MV-2 (МВ-2) for this mine, PMZ-40 and fuze MV-3 for this mine designed in GSKB-47 (ГСКБ-47). It`s “Bazalt” (Базальт) now. I supposed that and mine in position “3” designed in GSKB-47, but I didn`t find any information about wooden mine from GSKB-47 until TMD-42 (ТМД-42), which appeared in 1942 year. [Mine TMD-B (ТМД-Б) appeared in 1941 year and has another fuze. Man from GSKB-47 talks that TMD-B designed in GSKB-47 and in 1942, but I have another documents and know names of authors. “My” authors didn`t work in GSKB-47].
3) During WWII in GSKB-47 designed special railway mines for partisans which called PDM-1, PDM-2 and PDM-3. Be careful, it`s another mine as in “8”.
4) Fuze VPF designed by F.A. Hguravlev-Baranov and A.N. Bednyakov (Ф.А. Журавлев-Баранов, А.Н. Бедняков). As I know, they worked in KB-30.
In 1940 in GSKB-47 designed A/P mine PMK-40 (ПМК-40) with body made of cellulose. And in 1944 in GSKB-47 designed anti skin mine PMM-6 (ПММ-6). About PMM-6 I know just one thing - it has 200 g block of TNT.
In 1940 designed anti clearance mine AKS, which used during Great War. And in engineering magazine of devember 1942 year talks and about mine AKS-M. Probably M - modernisation, but on picture mine AKS looks like and AKS from other pictures, which I sow.
During Great War appeared and used fuzes with 16 hours (in instruction talks some of this fuzes could be and with 10 hours delay), 10 and 35 days delay. But it were copmlitly different fuzes/contactor, as in list above.
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