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No.76 grenade glass and cork???


Well-Known Member
Hi all
Had a great trip to Scotland a couple of weeks ago.
Manged to get some time around Glenmore and Loch Morlich where the Norwegians trained during the war. It's well known that the glass on the shores of the Loch were remains of "Molitov cocktails" used by the Norwegians in training.
Picked up some bits and was surprised by the thickness of the glass. The locals say they used old milk bottles filled with petrol but i'm wondring if some of it may be from No.76 grenades?
Came across and old bottle top and it may well be just from a old coke bottle but thought i'd see if anyone here may have some idea.
The top has a diameter of 29mm, on the rubber seal are the letters:



Any help would be greatly appreciated!

All the best

Thanks Dave
Great pics.
I'll measure the inside of the cap tonight.
Looking at the pictures, the glass also does seem pretty thick...

Thanks again for the help!

Thick Glass is for the Northover projector, which is the one in the pictures, usually the hand thrown ones are thin glass,,,,,,, Dave