Here are the next 2 WWI ordnance purchaces i'll be making in April. I have a monthly budget amount and will be able to "squeeze" these rwo through the April budget (come on April!!) The M1914 French bracelet has to be the best example i've seen. It has a nice raised "TFR" makers mark on the base and the fuze is nothing short of excellent. The other is the 31 second French WWI spiral fuze for the infamous "75" gun. I am getting more and more intrigued by French WWI ordnance and I want to try to get all the ball grenades from the model of 1777 right through the M1914 bracelet ball (which in 1914 was also fitted with a straight percussion fuze (uncommon)). My wife Teresa, we thought had totally recovered from her stroke lost feeling in her right side yesterday, fell and broke her arm. I was up with her all night as her pain was unbearable even with the pain medicatio (she is a trooper)...............Dano