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Need help !! What are these ?


Hi all !! Need your help with these . I think they are part of a bomb or a rocket . They are made of fiberglass and are 22" tall and 10 1/2" wide . The only markings are 53711-5401109 , SER. NO. 056 . There is a divider at about the area were the fins start . I have went through just about eveything I can think of to ID these . The guy I got them from said they were in a garage he cleaned out . Thank You for any suggestions and comments you may have on them . I may even be wrong about them beind ordnance related .
Thank !!!

As strange as it may seem, I have a photo (attached) that is close and calls these mini Davy Crocketts. That's all I have

Thank You for your help !! They are similar in style , I think we are heading in the right direction !!! I believe they are some type of rocket .
Well done Thank You !!!
They actually look like they are either pneumatically fired or fired from a tube, due to the tiny fins that are smaller in diameter than the main body. I'm thinking the white one is a flare and the blue one is a practice version of the white one.
I really don't know, I just know it was in a folder of info on the davy crockett atomic RR system. Haven't seen anyting else like it until this post. As I said it was labeed a a mini - but the measurements look like it could fit the 120mm RR system for the Davy. But it is not listed in any of the manuals or papers I have for that system
Well the Davy Crockett was designed to be hit at the base to push it forward, and was mounted on the end of the launcher like a rifle grenade. These two items are designed to go through a tube, due to their cylindrical sides and recessed fins. Maybe they are submarine antitorpedo countermeasures.
Hi all !! Need your help with these . I think they are part of a bomb or a rocket . They are made of fiberglass and are 22" tall and 10 1/2" wide . The only markings are 53711-5401109 , SER. NO. 056 . There is a divider at about the area were the fins start . I have went through just about eveything I can think of to ID these . The guy I got them from said they were in a garage he cleaned out . Thank You for any suggestions and comments you may have on them . I may even be wrong about them beind ordnance related .
Thank !!!

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Now I may be barking up the wrong tree altogether, but by chance I came across a photo on another forum which had a similar item in the background....from what I could make out the item was a WW2 depth charge. Part of the sign within the photo mentioned a MK 6 and 'ash can' however it isnt clear if this was the item similar to yours or another depth charge displayed next to it.

Now I cant post a photo as its on another forum and belongs to someone else, it certainly looked similar, with small fins though not identical. It was displayed next to a depth charge thrower - so I assume it was for launching rather than rolling over the side (fins make sense!!) It was also of US origin and given your location may be another clue!!

Maybe other members with relevent information may be able to help more,

Good luck in finding out more

all the best Kev
Narrowing things down a bit, got this reply from a retired USN Torpedoman:

Not a bathothermeograph or SSXBT device that I have seen and not a flare or decoy. No, don't think it is sub related.
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In the interest of identifying these objects here is a cut down of the image I spotted, not sure it helps and cant tell the size comparison but maybe someone will?
I'm also not sure about the fibreglass, but again may be a practice version of some kind??

dc - Copy.jpg

hope this helps???????

regards Kev

Your photo shows the two most popular depth charges used by the U.S., the WWII version on the left and the later 1950's version on the right. They are about 20 inches in diameter and steel, so they will sink towards their target. The items in question are only about 12 inches in diameter and look to be made of aluminum and fiberglass.

Your photo shows the two most popular depth charges used by the U.S., the WWII version on the left and the later 1950's version on the right. They are about 20 inches in diameter and steel, so they will sink towards their target. The items in question are only about 12 inches in diameter and look to be made of aluminum and fiberglass.

I realise they are not the same objects, but look similar in shape and have small fins. I just wondered if the fibreglass ones were a practice version of something similar, I'm not suggesting they are the same thing. They use small plastic practice bombs for bombing practice -
may not this be something similar?? For launching practice, just thinking aloud thats all.

regards Kev
here are some drawings of the depth charge you thought these might be, they are larger then the ones you have

Hi all ,
Been gone for a few days . Thanks for all the responses !!! I forgot to mention that there are 6 threaded inserts on each end and that the fiberglass is about 13mm thick . I had thought about a part from a guided missile also . but at this point I have not written anything off yet .
Thanks again everyone !!
Hi all ,
Hi all ,
Been gone for a few days . Thanks for all the responses !!! I forgot to mention that there are 6 threaded inserts on each end and that the fiberglass is about 13mm thick . I had thought about a part from a guided missile also . but at this point I have not written anything off yet .
Thanks again everyone !!
Hi all !!
Been looking into some of my old posts and found some info on these . They are used on Mk14 m0d0 mine neutralization system (an/slq-48) for sea mines . it is mounted on the front and is dropped and remotely detonated to destroy sea mines . I looked up the number on the side ( 53711-5401109 ) and found the info that way .
When I looked this up many years ago there was nothing on the net about them .
I ended up repainting the blue one and made a base for a display case .