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Well-Known Member
Hi all,
looking for id on these ? nose/fuze caps????,first one is white plastic,no markings except the moulding No.(2),not sure if the round plastic thing is anything to do with it but fits perfectly in it!.
Second part is alloy,again no markings.
Any help with either of these would be great as having another sort the rubbish from the good sort outs again:tinysmile_hmm_t2:


The alloy part is buggng me as I think I've seen them before.

Inner fittings from 81 mm Mor Illum spring to mind, could be wrong though.
In fact they could all be parachute protector cups looking at them, especially the two piece plastic item. The hole allows the cord to pas through to a baffle if memory serves.
Hi St B,
The mortar thing could well fit in as 'we' were having bit of a mortar thing last weekend! No 81's though? but plenty of 60's and 51's.
The alloy thing is bugging me too as I'm sure I have the other half of it somewhere.
Thanks for your help
I too have seen that kind of metal item before but can't remember what it was in relation to. Two-part protective cover for a parachute perhaps? If for mortar ammo then I would guess it's more likely for 81 mm, as 51 mm was in fairly limited use (teething troubles? - I think the bombs had a fairly comprehensive re-design) and 60 mm was not something I was aware of in UK service (I left in 1993). However if it is from non-UK ammo, I wouldn't know. As for the plastic items, the shorter, flatter nosed object seems to have propellant scorching to the underside. The traces of light blue in the same photo are the right shade for practice ammo, but why have a practice indication inside a piece of ammo? Perhaps the two-part plastics are a more modern version of the metal items? Sorry I'm not much help.
Hi Ammotechxt,
We do indeed use the 60mm now,I think it was 'rushed in' to replace the 51mm for the Afgan 'campain'(photo of IR XL6E1,experimental predecessor of the IR Mk 2, and a L5A1 illuminating,both seem to be a smaller version of the 81mm)
The alloy 'cover' is 80mm in diameter so would have thought this would too tight to fit inside a 81mm?
I am not sure that the plastic 'covers' contained a chute as the 'hole' in the top does not go right through.
All these items are 100% from UK ammo

Cheers Tony, I wish my memory could be better than it is. I hope someone out there can positively ID them for you.