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Lot Code Question


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
Does anyone know if the UK used the lot code NC? I am looking at some mortar increments that have the LOT CODE NC on them. I was told they were UK but the only NC I have are U.S. These are the L34A2 versions.

I know the U.S. used them per TM 9-1015-200-10 this is the U.S. M29A1 mortar system manual.


Just a thought but is the NC marking indicating the NC propellant it contained (18.46g of NC 30) and not the lot code? I may be stating something already known but the Mk2 Charge System used on British 81mm HE and WP mortar bombs consisted of 3 L34A2 and 3 L32A1 augmenting cartridges. The L34A2 cartridges were placed nearest the bomb body, the L32A1 cartridges nearest the tail assembly.

John P
Hi Joe,

in this case, NC can be the abreviation of nitrocellulose, beter known as guncotton.
Nitrocellulose is part of chemical mix of the mortars increments.

Upon further review ... I think you are correct. The NC is followed by a 30 ... SO that would be the propellant.
I think the actual LOT is GD ... which makes more sense since the U.S. and U.K have GD codes ... so given the L nomenclature I would say they are manufactured by the UK.
