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Italian WW2 Manufacturing Company Monogram ID


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Morning All,

Does anyone recognise the following Italian WW2 manufacturing monogram:


It is stamped on an Italian Naval torpedo exploder.

I'm assuming it may be from one of the following three manufacturing facilities specialized in the construction of torpedoes:

  • Silurificio Whitehead of Fiume, the oldest factory in the world, founded in 1860.
  • Silurificio Italiano in Baia, near Naples, operating since 1915.
  • Silurificio Motofides built near Livorno in 1937 as a secondary facility of the plant in Fiume.
Perhaps the Silurificio Motofides facility which may correspond to the "M" in the monogram?

Any hints would be greatly appreciated!
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The Silurificio Italianio had 3 facilities during ww2 : Baia , Fusaro and S. Martino - so the M can also refer to this last facility.
(See Roberta Lucidi: "Un'industria bellica del mezzogiorno: Il Silurificio Italiano dal 1922 al 1945", in Società di Storia Militare - Quaderno 1995, Roma, pp. 161-199)
Thank you Dreamk - very interesting reading......
In summary, it appears that Silurificio Italianio decided to "de-centralise" all torpedo production from one site (i.e. Baia) to two other sites - Fusaro & San Martino. Production of key parts and assembly was still performed at Baia; other specific torpedo parts /sections were built at either Fusaro or S.Martino, which enabled increase in production output. So it is quite possible that the San Martino produced the pistol exploder mechanisms.
The 3 x separate sites aligned with war time policy in case one site is bombed etc, thereby (hoping?) torpedo production could still continue with the remaining sites.
Interesting, the Fusaro site was only 3km away from the Baia site.
@Dreamk - here's another one referencing Silurificio Baia:

Il Silurificio di Baia dalla nascita alle riconversioni postbelliche. Una storia di industria e spionaggio militare
Maurizio Erto pp. 175-212

Cento anni di storia
a cura di Maurizio Erto
D’Amico Editore2019

Unfortunately, I can only download pp.175-176 ????