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Italian translation


Well-Known Member
Hi All
I try to translate into English this expressions
Granata - torpedine da 75 a liquide speciali a codola
Granata da 75 a liquide speciali diaframma saldato
Granata mina per obici
Granata torpedini accorciate
More generally I want a munitions glossary Italian - GB
thank you in advance
Jean paul
thank you Pajarito
But I rather looking for a glossary Italian - GB of WW1 and WW2 ammunitions
Jean Paul
granata torpedine = SAP shell or bomb (the same terms were used in ww1 by the Italians for Artillery shells and Air dropped bombs)
granata mina = HE shell or bomb
pe obici = for howitzers
accorciate = shortened
liquide speciali = special liquids
diaframma soldato = solded diaphragm (Granata da 75 a liquide speciali diaframma saldato may be adequate to describe the Gros Andreau bomb system)
a codola - maybe you mean "a codolo"?