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Is this a WW2 Torpedo Piston (fuse) shipping box?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hi All,

Another interesting item that I spotted last week.....

First impression is that it housed a Torpedo (perhaps wishful thinking :tinysmile_twink_t2:) piston or fuse...there is a reference on one of the label about inserting "the piston into the head"......and the 18"!!!

Does anyone happen to recognise the shipping box? Very well made!




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Looks like an box for an impact only torpedo pistol. The torpedo should be one of 18" dia. Mark II.
The label was datet 1957 for an inspection.

Yes the inspection was dated 1957, yet the label itself has an "Oct 1941" date and the original "Piston Duplex" was changed to "Piston Impact" - perhaps this was surplus war stock "re-issued" later as post-war.

I'm hoping someone would perhaps "recognize" the shipping container as a torpedo piston box? (everything seems to indicate that)

Thank you for replying.

BTW - Pity the piston is not still in it!!!!
Looks to me from your photograph as if there is a label beneath the label you refer to........so may even be earlier than the 1941 label you refer to.

regards Kev
Hi Genkidesdan,
My apologies as my English spelling and grammar really "sucks" (I was better at Maths and science at school and hated English & French) !

Hi Kev,
Well spotted!
The other interesting point is the quality of the box itself, which what originally caught my eye!

It is coming up at an auction and tossing up if its worth a bid on....pity it doesn't have the PISTOL
Further investigating this........

Early WW2 British Magnetic torpedo pistols were the "Duplex Coil Rod" (DCR) types.

It's documented that these generally proved unsatisfactory and therefore regarded as a failure, however remained in service till 1943
Its replacement, the CCR (compensated coil rod) with amplifier, was much better, but liable to microphony (fraternal kill) from nearby explosions or vibration if the torpedo broke the surface. CCRs used in the Far East were also found to be greatly affected by heat. CCR did not become standard on 21" (53.3 cm) torpedoes until January 1945 and the 18" (45 cm) version for aircraft was never developed sufficiently enough to enter service.

They also re-introduced "Impact" pistols in addition to the Magnetic CCR ones.

[Interesting enough, I have seen a CCR pistol in its shipping box, which was metal not wood, dated 1943]

Yes there appears to be an early label under the "1941", but looks to difficult to remove without destroying the current one. Seems that the box was re-used up to 1951 and housed an impact pistol.

Unfortunately there is no DCR pistol, so if anyone knows of one missing its shipping box please send me a PM. I'm of course happy to either sell /trade the box or buy a pistol for it!
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