"Is ordnance collecting slowly dying?"
I say No way Jose!
The amount of so call "surplus" military stuff (including ordnance) that has been on offer over the past 30+ years is gone! Where to? I have no bloody idea - the amount of "common" dirt cheap (simply because there was a hugh supply of) back in the 70s 80s even 90's is no longer common and in fact quite hard to find with $$$$ price tags.
Some things in life never change:
1)Has the homosapien species evolved into a vastly intelligent high order form? I don't think so, and after 6,000 years of existance, all we really have achieved is more sophicated ways to kill each other! Hence an inherent interest in both Militaria & Ordnance related stuff!
2) Young girls always want to play with Barbie dolls. Young boys always want to play with guns (now it is just easier with PC /Console games) well at least untill their teens when they would rather play with real "Barbie doll":tinysmile_twink_t:
What has change is the Public perception to Rifle Shooters, Military Collectors and the of course Ordnance Collectors.
The current "Terrorist" focus with 911 and other related bombing certainly don't help our collecting interests, and manifests itself in backwards, dragonian laws and conditions - basically the beauocraps don't /can't control or want to deal with it - its just a gross case of ignorance!!
I can see the above "putting" most except the hardcore collectors off - hell I had Prohibited Weapons permits now since the late 70s and I'm getting a little tired of the crap - one day you're the honest collector, the next day the Crim with illegal items!!
(One condition of the Prohibited Weapons Permit is that it can be revoked at any time or any reason - great motivation to invest $$$$$!).
Apart from Ordnance, i have collecting interest in Japanese Swords and I shoot competitively -all have been affected over the years (In Victoria, one is required to have a permit /licence to collect /own a Japanese sword!!!)
Next they be banning screwdrivers and kitchen knives!
So to sum up, there is still a healthy appetite for Ordnance/miliatry and with the inherent nature of our operating system (i.e. brain), there will always be an interest in "blowing things up"!
.....and yes the prices are getting ridiculously stupid: check out the prices from the recent 3rd of October auction (Ray Jaroz's ex-collection)
In regards to our increasing m/ship? As stated when I joined (after 12+ years of inert collecting) I wish I had discover this site years earlier - but then back in the 70s 80's, the Internet was just a research facility.
Online information gathering at one's fingertips is now the future - look how a lot of rare out-of-print books have been scanned and digitized.....
and for "picking our brains" - go for it before I go senile!!!
Happy "Hunting & Collecting"
BTW - Looking back now with a little more "Wisdom", I wish I spent just a little more time chasing skirt, than lonely nights at home cleaning / polishing brass cases and fuzes when I was younger!