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Info U-PMN-2


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
Hi all,

should someone have technical data's about the russian training APers mine U-PMN-2 ?

Mainly about working and loading (smoke, black powder,...?).
All what we have is H-35-2-23 US TM, it's very poor about the training version of the mine.

You certainly mean the UI-PMN-2 as the U-PMN-2 is an inert class room training aid.
The "UI" has a red bar as a marker for a life spotting charge (the "U" has a white one).
I can not say about the compund contained but it sould be something along regular spotting charges. The mine is disintegrating when it is set off and becomes garbage.
Thanks for the info, EOD, it's definitely an U-PMN-2 ! I didn't known that a UI-PMN-2 existed ! Oups
Have you some technical data about those two mines ?

Thanks for the info, EOD, it's definitely an U-PMN-2 ! I didn't known that a UI-PMN-2 existed ! Oups
Have you some technical data about those two mines ?

Yoda, soviet traning device (I mean mines and demolition equipment) doesn`t have explosive inside - only inert materials. They have marking only with one letter - U (У)-"name of mine" If you`re asking about any soviet device, which can have any imitation inside (smoke, blak powder) - it`s only imitation or practice device! And they have marking with two letters - UI(УИ)-"mane of mine".
U-PMN-2 doesn`t have anything "active" inside, it doesn`t make any boooom or something like this. But yes, it can make sound "clik", when you use it for showing how does it work.
I didn`t hear about UI-PMN-2, but I heared from one man, who sow something like this. Unfortunatly he didn`t make photos or anything like this. But I repeat again - Soviet documents are not talking about existing this mine, only U-PMN-2. But exist UI-PMN-3 and UI-PMN-4.
Thanks for your answer, Ivashkin, very complete.
If I have good understand, there is somewhere a russian documentation about the U-PMN-2. Is that correct ?
If your answer is YES, should it be possible to obtain a copy of this document ?

Thanks for your answer, Ivashkin, very complete.
If I have good understand, there is somewhere a russian documentation about the U-PMN-2. Is that correct ?
If your answer is YES, should it be possible to obtain a copy of this document ?
Hmm Yoda,
you know...unfortunatly no documents for U-PMN-2. Device exist, but instruction for practice mine - not. I haven`t seen any special insxtruction for practice (I and UI) soviet mines. Some of them described in instruction and manuals for arm device, but not all of them, really only few.
Okay, thanks for all, Ivashkin !

And, we never known, if you find something, think on me ! Ha ha ha

The U-PMN-2 is exactly the same as the regular PMN-2, just with inert fillers. On these no separate documents do exist as they are not any different from the life version except for the type of filler.

The UI-PMN-2 I saw some years back from collegues who wondered why it blew to pieces when they were handling it since it was declared a "practice item".
So the existance is confirmed.
It even could be that no spearate documentation does exist except for a footnote wher eit says that no life charge is contained and that the detonator is containing a flashbang composition.

There are several other "UI" items with red bars in the engineer munitions sphere starting with UI-MD-2 detonators which have only a life primer and going to several types of AP (UI-OZM-4, the scatterable UI-POM-2 and UI-POM-2P and the bounding UI-POB) and at least one special AT mine which is the UITM-60 which contains a 1.5 inch simulator cartridge (SP-60 of 39mm as the caliber is designated in Russia) and not to forget the UI-PTM-3 scatterable AT mine.
Here some images from web sources. Note the red bars. The only one not having a red bar is the UITM-60 as it has no life counterpart (this one is documented in manuals).

UI-POM-2-1_practice_Russia.jpgUI-POM-2_with URP_hand deployed_AP mine_Russia----.jpgUI-POB_practice mine_Russia.jpgUI-OZM-4_practice_Russia.jpgUI-POM-2P_practice_hand emplaced_Russia.jpgUI-PTM-3 Prakt_AT practice mine_Russia.jpgUITM-60_practice AT mine_Russia.jpg
The UI-PMN-2 I saw some years back from collegues who wondered why it blew to pieces when they were handling it since it was declared a "practice item".
So the existance is confirmed.
Existance will be confirm, when we will see any good photos of real device, but not only words. Because words can tell anyone, but photos no ona hasn`t given :)
Probably it was not Soviet device, but from some Warsaw block country. But I haven`t heared about produceing PMN-2 in any other country except USSR.
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I have seen it with my own eyes - including the factory code. Everyone is welcome to believe what he wants.
Also no PMN-2 production outside the USSR/Russia is documented.
Belived I in your words or not, I think not very importent, but exactly today I got thise photo. It`s really UI-PMN-2! It`s from my friend from Europe and I`ll get more details soon.
None as this is the lot. The factory is 15 which is on engineer munition lots on pos 1 unlike with other ammo where it is on pos 3. Factory positions do vary on Russian ordnance depending on type.

15 = Central Volga Chemical Factory "SVZKh" of Chapaevsk
They went bankrupt in 2007.

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