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ID request: two old projectiles (65mm and 75mm) Japanese/Russian/British/...?


Well-Known Member

I have come across two obviously very old projectiles that are located in Japan. Requesting information about them will be very difficult, but some measurements are known.

The first one looks very old, with the odd design using three thin driving bands; I would guess it was manufactured somewhere in the late 1800s. I have no other clues about it, other than what can be seen in the images and the gives measurements. No mention is made of markings on it. The measurements that are given are:
-Approximate calibre: 65mm
-Length: 150mm
-Weight: 2225 grams

The second one looks like it might be a bit less old. My guess would be early 1900s, WW1 latest, but then, I'm not an expert. Interestingly enough the forward end of this one has white paint, and old Japanese Naval (AP)HE projectiles used to be painted white, with a green nose tip. No mention is made of markings on it. The measurements that are given are:
-Approximate calibre: 75mm
-Length: 185mm
-Weight: 3955 grams

Chances are very good that they are of foreign manufacture (British, German, French, ...) for Japan, or that they are of Russian or Chinese manufacture, possibly they were used in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. I find that many of the old items that are encountered in Japan fit that profile, and often they are commemoratively marked "trophy items", as used by their enemies.

The questions:

1-Can anyone ID these projectiles for me, or does anyone have some general information about the era or likely countries they could have been manufactured in?
2-Does anyone have any idea what the value of this might be, regardless of nation? If I buy it, it will come with a pretty hefty price tag (item + shipping costs from Japan are expensive).
3-Is anyone particularly interested in one or both of them?

Thanks in advance and cheers,


No one?
Does anyone perhaps have any general ideas? I would guess the 65mm one to be distinctive enough (with the weird driving bands) to ring some bells with someone... Does anyone perhaps recognise the general driving band style as being specific for a certain nation?


I would guess the 65mm one to be distinctive enough (with the weird driving bands) to ring some bells with someone... Does anyone perhaps recognise the general driving band style as being specific for a certain nation?


I have one the same Olafo, and the best guess given so far is that it is early Austrian. I haven't found a fuze that fits it yet.

The other shell is a model commonly found in different calibre's in Belgium. I have seen them with (original) Dutch, Belgian and German fuzes. Strange to find one in Japan, but perhaps a general contract shell by Krupp.



Thanks for your answer!
I may be able to get another shot at these two projectiles, and hopefully I can find out more information about them beforehand. I wonder what the maximum price would be at which it is not too expensive. I am already certain that the 65mm one will come with a price tag of around $100 and the 75mm one will be some $20-$25 more expensive. Then there's the shipping, which is expensive from Japan....
So.... They really have to be *very* good ones in order for me to buy them.

The first shell is Belgium

half the world bought such shells from Krupp, how can you say that it is def. from Belgium? Color-Code? I think the chance to find a belgian in Japan is not very big.
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Driving band and color code are the same as belgium shell
Can you tell here the size of internal eye shell? to confirme the type of fuze?

Thanks for the suggestion that it may be Belgian!
Unfortunately, the above information is all that I know as of yet. I can ask my Japanese middle man to ask if there are any markings on the projectiles... At present it's not all that tempting to buy them at those prices if they may be relatively well obtainable over here. It'll cost a lot of money to get them over here, so that's only interesting if it is Japanese (used) or of some other nation, and of interest for a potential trade...

I'll try to obtain more information.
