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ID request: Old Russian 75mm or 76.2mm projectile???


Well-Known Member

I find myself in the position of acquiring a decent quantity of larger calibre projectiles from Japan. Most of them are early ones, roughly from the period 1900 - 1918. They are located in Japan, and as some of you will know, not quite everything encountered over there is of Japanese manufacture.
I have managed to ID everything, except for four projectiles. This is one of them. It looks like nothing Japanese that I have documentation on, which would be the stuff used by Japan in (mainly) the later Showa era.

This particular projectile appears to be of the AP solid shot kind and it (only?) has markings on the bottom. The markings on the bottom appear Russian to me, but I am no expert on Russian ammunition. It seems to have several numbers and possibly also a Naval anchor, but I am not completely sure. The casing shown along with the projectile is a Chinese 75x118R casing. This casing does NOT belong to this projectile. I know the two were put together by the seller to show the calibre. The calibre should then be around 75mm, or possibly 76.2mm. Unfortunately I do not know the precise length (but I can ask, if really necessary).

I wonder what the groove above the driving band is for. Possibly this held a second (thin) driving band?

The questions:

1-Can anyone ID it for me?
2-Russian? Something else???
3-Does anyone have any idea what the value of this might be? If I buy it, it will come with a pretty hefty price tag (item + shipping costs from Japan are expensive).
4-Is anyone particularly interested in it?

Thanks in advance and cheers,

Hi guys,

To slightly bump this quetion, adding in some information of relevance: the base of the projectile at hand looks very similar (engraving-wise) to the confirmed Russian 76.2mm shrapnel projectile that the same seller has. This is also what caused me to directly assume this projectile to be Russian.
That projectile (including the markings on the base) can be seen in the following thread: http://www.bocn.co.uk/vbforum/threads/78509-ID-request-ancient-Russian-or-Japanese-projectile

Can anyone tell me if the solid shot projectile is indeed Russian too?

the projectile is russian navy for sure. Much more interesting for me is that chinese Krupp case. Any chance for a photo of the headstamp?

Thanks a lot for your answer!
Good to see my assumptions were correct on it being a Russian Naval projectile....
Do you know if it is of particular interest? Specifically: what would be the max amount at what it would still be of interest?

Then: regarding the Chinese casing: yes, that's a mightily nice one. Top priority for me. The headstamp is shown in an attached picture; it is the dirtyish one. Also shown is the headstamp (with transcript of the markings) of a casing that was allegedly sent to me and gotten lost between the UK and Holland; a most sour loss indeed. :(
The headstamps of both casings are highly similar; both were manufactured at Shanghai. The one I hope to be getting is from 'year 8', which will most likely be 1905, or close to that.


Without being able to show documents as evidence I would say that the shell is for Russian navy 75mm Canet with quite long case - not used with the short case in picture.
Hello Olafo,

big thanks for the images of the cases. Also nice to see the "Fried. Krupp AG" primer in the case on the second foto. I always heard about these mountain guns which were exported to China but these are the first cases I see. What a crap that the case got "lost".

You're welcome, I'm glad I could help by attaching these pictures! :p
Yes, it IS really crap that it never arrived; well, let's just trust to it really having been sent out to me at least...:(
This time I will almost certainly go for EMS shipping, expensive, but highly reliable.

As for the Russian AP projectile: I decided to buy that, but it will take many months before it will be here in Europe. It will be part of a larger acquisition. It will then probably be available for trade/sale.

If someone is interested in this projectile, can they please contact me?

Olaf, in my collection years I have lost only a few packages and most of them were also from the UK. Apparently this happens more often......also for me interesting stuff was lost ;-(.