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ID request: old +/- 88mm projectile. German? Russian? British? Chinese?


Well-Known Member

Well, some moons ago I posted an ID request of a projectile that was back then still located in Japan. I completely drew blanks then. It is now safely in Europe, and better images and measurements have now been obtained.

Here's what I know:
-The measurements were taken accurately, they have been given in the attached image. The calibre measures out close to 87mm, with a length of 248mm. I assume the official calibre to be anywhere between 84mm and 90mm, with the 88mm calibre being a very good candidate one.
-The location where the driving band used to be appears to be distinctly odd. It appears to have had a single, thin, driving band. I see no grooves or other means by which it would have been attached to the projectile.
-The 'ring' covering the mouth opening is not original to the projectile: it covers part of the screw thread and the shear pin hole.
-I see no bourrelet; very "un-Japanese".
-The engravings are Japanese commemorative engravings recollecting the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Chances are extremely good that this is a Russian or German captured projectile, from around that era. It should be noted that not all Japanese commemorative items were engraved at the very moment of the actual battles; some were done post war.
-No other markings can be discerned with certainty (neither on the sides, nor on the bottom), though there are two locations that may have carried a (2 digit?) number and possibly also markings like "|." (without quotes).
-This projectile by no means resembles anything Japanese that I have documentation on. It is very different in make from the Japanese 88mm and 90mm projectiles.

Here's what I'd like to know:
-A full ID, of course. :p
-If a full ID is not possible; does the make of the projectile strike someone as 'typical' of a specific country? Somehow it has a very Russian feel to me. German (88mm) also seems a real possibility. From a British one I would somehow have expected more markings, but who knows... Chinese is a further remote possibility, but I have no documentation on old Chinese ammo.
-Any ideas??

Thanks in advance and cheers,

Russia had in Russo-Japanese war at least 2 different 87mm cannons; M/1887 and M/1895. I have drawings of 5 different shells and will post pictures here in the nearest days. However they all have distance from driving band to shell base much shorter than in your picture ( 10-15mm only ). Shell diameter varies between 85,7 - 85,9mm. Length without fuze varies from 183 to 265,2mm.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures.
There is of course good reason for me to suspect this one to be Russian: the Japanese seemed to love to bring back such trophy items from their campaigns and engrave them with victory or other commemorative markings. Similarly marked Japanese items are also seen regularly, so I assume they picked up whatever was at hand, rather than deliberately looking for specific items. With this one almost certainly not being Japanese, chances are very good it's Russian.

Anyone else who can chip in something? Opinions are welcome too...

Here 5 different Russian 87mm shells. This does not mean that there would not have been any other types, but this gives a general idea how they look.
I have never seen any of these in real life but assume that they should have at least some cyrillic markings stamped on.


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