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ID for AP 20(?)mm projectile


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

I recently found a rusty bullet that is little smaller than a normal 20mm AP one for Hispano or Oerlikon. See picture please.
The diameter at the 'driving band' is approx 20mm, the body itself has a dia of approx 17mm. Overall lenght is 62mm. For comparison a standard .50 cal bullet is put next to it in the picture.
At the bottom of the projectile it seems like there's a burnt tracer element inside (not visible in the picture).


Can someone ID this bullet for me please? Is it indeed a bullet or is it the hard metal core of a bigger AP projectile maybe?

Thanks for any hint!

Best regards,


Below some more close-up pictures. I cannot clean it up further, because then the acid that I use to clean rusty parts eats away the base material. All the rust is eaten away.


Hi Timefuze,
it does look to me to be to be a A/P core out of something larger,compared to the photo of the 50 cal core they do share a similarity with the 'machined' grooves,which I presume is to aid a better grip while encased in the lead of the bullet,if so this would suggest you are looking for a jacketed AP-T or AP-I projectile to it's origins....I'm afraid I do not recognize your 'core'.

All the best

Last edited:
Just stabbing at a guess. Could be the core from a German 28/20mm PzB41. I think they had a tungsten projectile on these squeezebores but there were shortages of tungsten also. The length however seems correct at 62mm. Maybe someone has an example to compare ?
Cheers, SHAKY
The Hotchkiss cores are tapered to fit the boat tail design, no ? I first thought the Hotckiss too and then looked at the PzB41 projos and they looked a bit closer.
PzB41 Tungsten core has a cylindrical body without any grooves, no boat tail and has a point nose like in the first picture.
Thanks, Hasag!

Comparing your picture with the real rusty object gives a good match.
What appears to be a driving band on my projectile, is indeed around 20mm in diameter.
The fuze is corroded away / blown apart on my projectile.

Best regards,
