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Help with a .303 with an odd looking primer


BOCN Supporter
Can anyone help me out I bough a few .303 rounds this weekend and I have found a round with what looks like a shotgun primer, it is head stamped GB 1940 VII I will put a photo up later if I can get the camera working


I thought it was a double primer crimp at first glance but it is actually a large primer that looks just like a shotgun primer


We need a photo, and a post from some of the Brit cartridge experts, such as Tony, Tony, or Tony.

The "primer" part of most US battery cup shotgun primers is about the same diameter of most rifle primers. The battery cup makes it appear to be larger, and the double ring crimp has a lot of the same looks as a battery cup.

But, without a photo I'm just guessing.

I know exactly what you mean about the US battery cup but this is a GB headstamp which is a UK headstamp, I have only been collecting for a few years so I am no expert on .303 primers but I have been reloading rifle and shotgun cartridges for about 10 years and this looks so much like a shot-shell primer but I may well be wrong. I will bring my camera home from work tomorrow and photograph it. Many thanks for your help so far the mystery continues.

It looks to me as though someone has drilled out the original primer and replaced it with a shotgun primer, perhaps because of the difficulty of obtaining proper .250 inch primers.

However, thta is based on your picture which is unfortunately not the clearest. I would need to see it in the flesh to be able to say for sure.

Well it just got the better of me and I have pulled the round, It is a shotgun primer and it was an empty case. why would someone go to all the trouble of removing the original primer then drilling the case bevel the opening to take a shotgun primer then put the MkVII bullet back in with no powder???

Oh well

thanks any way chaps
