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help PLZ!!...i need to know this kind of shell !


New Member
I was going to buy this tank shell, but my buddy told me that it might not be a good deal. the shell is $100 and it comes with a marine visor cap. Please help!
I need to know what war this tank shell is from.
Re:help PLZ!!...i need to know this kind of shell

It looks to me like a dummy drill/training round?
Anyone else on this please?


Re:help PLZ!!...i need to know this kind of shell

Agree wiv you there waff.

Has it any markings fjet?

Re:help PLZ!!...i need to know this kind of shell

i don't know...i haven't even seen it in person yet...but even if it is a training round...is it worth $100?
Re:help PLZ!!...i need to know this kind of shell

Iknow its few weeks since you posted this Fjet did you get the round in the end . $100 thats about 50 isnt it ,it looks a big lump and you get a free cap with it,seems fair enough,