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Grenade display


Well-Known Member
Local museum ( AMERICAN GI) having open house & WWII RE-Enactment this weekend & I'm showing some if my collection in the weapons display. Very excited about event as I've never really shown my grenades to anyone outside of immediate family & BOCN! Anyway , the day before public open house, they have kids from local schools come in, so I thought it might be a good idea to add some reference illustrations. It's not quite finished but y'all get the idea. This is WW board. Korea/Vietnam board not finished yet.


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Nice display.

You might want to post SEVERAL signs with the display indicating, in VERY LARGE letters, that all the items in your display are INERT.

Nice display board. We'll also be attending the event and have a display showing the weapons, vehicles and equipment used by the British airborne. Only bringing a handful of grenades since they are just a part of what was issued but I like your overall grouping. Should be a big hit with the kids education day.
Thanks y'all. Sorry the picture is not very clear. In lower left corner of board is "inert sign" Brian, again bad pic. Waiving the BOCN flag upper right! Look forward to meeting ya Horsa, (David?)
Yep, its David. I was the one with the Type 91. We'll be out Thursday afternoon to set up camp. Large British khaki bell tent will be the easiest way of spotting us. And we'll have the only British airborne jeep out there since all the others will be in standard U.S. issue format. Our display will be at the camp for the Friday morning school kids rotation.
046.jpg057.jpgHad a super time at 'MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN GI' open house! Meet a lot of people, really enjoyed talking to the kids all weekend. They asked some really good questions. Pictured is a gentleman I had the honor of visiting with. US ARMY RET. Staff Sgt. Johnny Wiedenhoff. Johnny was a member of "Murrell's Marauders" in Burma during WWII.
Yea, I guess I did sorta cut top off. EOD that was " VARIOUS MODERN ERA " which means I thought the kids would like them & it sorta gave a perspective on where the technology is now......I guess. Something like that.
Great displays. I'll try to get the wife to allow the same in our lounge.....
