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German WWII Flak/Pak Projectile??


Well-Known Member
Hi All
As part of my sorting & catalouging me collection came across this anomally!!
It is from my German & Italian WWII 2cm Flak/Pak 30/38 part of my collection but the drive band is 10mm lower than on all the others?
Overall length is correct. Have checked various papers/books & sites but unable to account for it?
The fuze is correct ( 2cm kpf.Z.43. enl42) Proj stamped 2K. 42 e or a ky. Overall length is 85mm+- which is correct & the same as the others. On all theothers though the driving band (copper or sintered steel) are 20mm from the base of the projectile whereas this on is 10mm.
Any ideas?
Gave up trying to download pics!!! Is it me/laptop but uploading pics takes ages!!
Without looking at the pictures buddy,im guessing the discretion in measurements maybe were the case was cut for de-accing?


Definitel not the case Waffenamt.
None of the projectiles have been cut down.
Unfortunately downloading the pics is no good, but basically, the overall length of all my projectiles is the same & correct to the data I have. The drive band is further down though on this one which means the overall length is 10mm longer than all the others.
On the ferry going back to work but as i recall overall length of 30/38 rounds is 204 - ish mm? This one is 214.
Was wondering if maybe it is an MGFF projectile or 151/20 one with a 30/38 fuze - but again unable to check as on the big boat!