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German KwK40 cases.


Well-Known Member
Hi Chaps,
Here is a pair i picked up for a very nice price!
Spotted at an antique shop.
I will put in a series of pics as it progresses with the clean up operation.Im donating one of them to Mick who is going to clean them up on the lathe with carbarundum or whatever he uses!

There are stampings left on the case bottoms,hard to pick up on the camera but they are there!
Ive talced them up with some mysterious powder i found after a big party!(Only kidding,believe me,its talcum!:tinysmile_tongue_t:)


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Ive pen-oiled the primers ready for removal and ive also oiled the insides of the cases.


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I shall try and get a better picture of those markings on the case as that picture has come out crap!

Good news is im about to buy a HL proj from one of BOCN`s members for the case when its restored.

cheers and best

Hey nice find Waff, those dont turn up in that condition very often.
Look forward to seeing yours when you have finished with it and sorted the projo.
Hi Weasel!

Cheers man,i shall post pics as soon as Mick has sorted my 10.5,KwK43 and another 88!:laugh:

Hi Waff
Very nice find indeed. Good to see there is still new stuff on the market as things really seem quiet at the moment.

I hope it all goes well with the clean up. Was there any original brass or copper finish on the cases?

Hi SG,

All i found was a mysterious grey/green colour on the inside of the cases?

They are straight as dies with no big dings and for the price i thought they could not be refused (35 the pair).:tinysmile_grin_t:


Amazing price Waff.
It is unusual to get such a good price because if the seller doesn't recognize them for what they are they are more inclined to get thrown away due them not being brass.

They must have been cleaned up in the past if just the bare metal is left.

Thanks SG!,

I spotted them and thought they were rusty buggers but it was how straight they were that caught my eye.
I asked Mick to confirm what they where and he said "Go and get them,its your call!"
Then i chanced my arm with the seller as it was my birthday and i had just helped him load a whacking great cabinet onto a van.
He said then i could have them with a tenner off!:tinysmile_twink_t:


Proj arrived today and ive sneaked it in the case before i take it over to Micks for perusal and case clean up.
Pictures soon i hope!


Go on then!,lets have a sneaker shot before it goes to the workshop.


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Thanks leeski!

I would have liked to clean them up and then lacquer them but the state of the metal might mean another spray job in grey?

What say you chaps?

Hi Waff
When you say "state of the metal" what do you mean?
Are the cases full of rust holes and falling apart.

My feelings are that painting something is a last resort and why would you want them grey?

I wouldn't even lacquer them. Of course clean off the loose rust with care but once you add anything you detract from the historical value.

Hi SG,
No holes or anything as i can see but im sure Mick says the metal wont clean up and thats why i have a couple of my items grey.
I thought it was the nearest `metal` colour i could think of?


Maybe it's just me but I have the feeling most people would be against the painting.
What's wrong with just the original bare metal?

Hi Sg,
Nothing at all wrong with the bare metal at all old chap,so long as there are no nasty holes under all that crud?
Thing is,if i dont lacquer the metal then wont it rust?

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Hi Waff
It all depends on where you dispay/store the cases. If it is in a dry and low humidity area then it will prevent any further rust.

You would only need a lacquer if they were placed somewhere damp. Then of course the inside would also rust. The rust needs oxygen and water (damp air) for the reaction to occur.

Hi SG,
Ive had a chinwag with my old pal and he shall clean them up as best he can and debate the next step.
What about if they were finally done with a `dark` lacquer?
Plus how can one either mix or acquire said lacquer?

