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Well-Known Member

Would someone be able to identify this fuze please :)

I'm not sure if it was made in Belgium, France, Holland or the UK :dry:

Many thanks,


Hi Investment, nice condition Fuze, surely there must be some numbers on it somewhere apart from the time markers ?
Interesting adaptor too as it looks like it has been fired (thread stripped) but is complete without the rear hole being "blown out" as I would normally expect-also unusual is the fact that it is fairly straight with only a small taper-and it looks like the Fuze is "soldered" into that adaptor.?
Got any more details of it ?
Hi Chris,
It's up for sale in Oz, Ebay number 160210522655, more details available on site. There is a description with it, but the seller is unable to find any marks on it. I don't think his too impressed with his mate after what he did to it. :laugh:
Thanks Invest for the low down on that item-e bay eh ? I thought our kit was all personna non grata on there??
Not the best treatment for any fuze I must admit.
here's another undocumented wild theory..

I think picture two (looking into the base of the adaptor) gives away a nice clue. There's a nut for the bolt fixing the fuse onto the adaptor. I never saw this construction in or on adaptors.. this doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all. However the fuze mounted on it (and i think it's Brittish as suggested by Andy) is a Flame giving none detonating Fuze. with very short thread on the adaptor!

Why fixing the fuze with a bolt nut construction and why such short thread?

I think this is a fine example of pre WW2 DIY craftsmanship. Please correct me if i am wrong!
I agree with Ammodillo and Andy.
Looks like a 'trench art' piece to me.

Its also worth remembering that the Australian post office is not keen on Ordnance items so theres a chance that if you did win it, you may never recieve it.

Well chaps this piece is well and truely 'screwed' (lucky fuze!) but it is correct. Its a British number 80 fuze, which were often unmarked, in an adapter for a British 60 pounder shrapnel shell. Both adapter and shell are rare pieces. I have (hopefully) attached a picture of the one I have that came with a number 88 fuze.

very interesting Burney!
The matter of the fixing bolt and nut keeps bothering me.
Locking a fuze to the adaptor is usualy done by a simple bolt, not with a nut and bolt.

Cheers and thanks for the info!
Hello Burney Davis, has the adapter on the ebay example been turned down a little, the profile looks different to yours?

I think I'll stick to commenting on stuff that I have some refernce on. ;)

Q and Ammo,

The adaptor hasn't been turned down, the shape of the number 80 is different to the number 88 and so it is the fuze profile that is different. What I guess I should have added before is that the number 80 fuze was not used with this adapter. The threads on the 80 are short and will only just engauge those of the adapter, and you can see that the adapter threads are nearly an inch deep.

I suspect that the threads have been stripped on the inside like those on the outside and the bolt was the only (rather harsh) way of fixing the two together.

And never be afraid of commenting on these threads Q, a guess is good when there's nothing else around mate! BD ;)
Cheers BD, it all becomes clear now!

Its all ways good to follow up one mistake with another!

Excellent explanation and pictures.

I would like to thank

Chris 42 RQ, AndyD, Ammodillo, Quartermass and Burney Davis :laugh:

for their comments about the fuze.

If you guy's hadn't discussed it, I would be none the wiser :woohoo:

