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F1 French WP


Well-Known Member
Ordnance approved
I am trying to figure out some of the markings on the F1 90-MM WP round.

In the picture provided it is OF 90-F1 I have also seen OFUM-90-F1

Is there a difference? If not, then why mark them differently?



  • F1.JPG
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In French OF 90 F1 PH is for "Obus" (=shell) "Fumigène" (=smoke) "modèle F1" (=model F1) "au Phosphore" (=white phosphorus).
I don't know why markings could be different OF or OFUM.
bonjour, peut etre que l'obus marqué PH en rouge est chargé en phosphore rouge et l'autre 90 avec du phosphore blanc ( wp ) , d'où cette différence de marquage
The official designation from our military manual is OFUM 90 F1.
FIlled with white phosphorus (no red phosphorus, no HC).
Exported with markings WP instead of PH.