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EU firearms ban on the card UN cheese and wine party poking their nose in again.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Looks like the EU are planning a future ban on firearms within the EU http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=ReduceFirearmsRisk or they are up to something.
I bet there is a different agenda behind closed doors especially with the UN cheese and wine party being involved. I can see their point about criminal activities etc but as always how do restrictions such as further licensing and bans stop criminal activities. Once the foot is in the door it will lead to other restrictions on ordnance collecting and any other military related goodies that us good citizens collect. I suggest to everyone to fill in the form and spread the word amongst shooting and military collecting communities across Europe and let the Bar****ts know what we all think.
You are right about the UN and gun ban. I can't remember the specific title of it, but it deals with outlawing pistols primarily. Thought our government was/is talking out the side of their mouth, our UN rep was voting for it. Our previous Sec of State (Clinton) was also for it. In an artilce I read, this became a UN directive/law/what ever they call it, then the US would have recourse but to enforce it in our land. But if that were to be the case, I truely believe US citzens would be up in arms over having to answer to the UN. I'll see if I can find the UN article and what its status is
You are right about the UN and gun ban. I can't remember the specific title of it, but it deals with outlawing pistols primarily. Thought our government was/is talking out the side of their mouth, our UN rep was voting for it. Our previous Sec of State (Clinton) was also for it. In an artilce I read, this became a UN directive/law/what ever they call it, then the US would have recourse but to enforce it in our land. But if that were to be the case, I truely believe US citzens would be up in arms over having to answer to the UN. I'll see if I can find the UN article and what its status is

Sounds like at least partial BS to me. Normally these agreements are done as treaties or conventions - i.e chem weapons, bio weapons, landmines, submunitions, etc. In that case the country must first become a signatory and then ratify the agreement. Failure to live up to a ratified agreement can have consequences, as can not signing up. In example, if a country fails to sign the CW treaty then none of the signatories can trade chemicals from the "list of Scheduled Chemicals" with the non-signatory. It then can potentially hurt their industry and trade.

Even so, the US has had a number of treaties that we have signed and then not ratified. Congress gets the final say.
Got your point about COngress and final say, but there is action going through the UN for a ban on small arms. I just need to find the copy of email I have on it, it has a copy of the action they are taking. It was a pretety hot topic about a year and half ago
Our socialist President Obama and his Democrat minions supports the UN gun grab and is trying to bring European style gun control/bans to the US. So far he has not succeeded in his efforts.
Jeff - as usual you are correct, the attachment I had was the UN gun treaty as your link took me too. After snoping the other attachment I found two different reponses as being false. These responses were not on line at the time I got the first email about this subject. But again some one high jacked the content of the Act and read into it what they wanted to hear. So I resend my first posting as it was clearly wrong.

On the other hand, the terrible shooting at the school has only fed the left to try and put in place more strict gun laws, even though we don't enforce the one we already have on the books strong enough. Now having had my say, I beg the sites forgiveness - and I amnot sure this site is the right place for political posts.
Looks like the EU are planning a future ban on firearms within the EU http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=ReduceFirearmsRisk or they are up to something.
I bet there is a different agenda behind closed doors especially with the UN cheese and wine party being involved. I can see their point about criminal activities etc but as always how do restrictions such as further licensing and bans stop criminal activities. Once the foot is in the door it will lead to other restrictions on ordnance collecting and any other military related goodies that us good citizens collect. I suggest to everyone to fill in the form and spread the word amongst shooting and military collecting communities across Europe and let the Bar****ts know what we all think.

Fingers crossed the Euro (and subsequently the EU) implodes before they can pass it.
And people in Europe say I'm paranoid when I get mad when US politicians propose more gun control.............