Tony Williams
Well-Known Member
This has been posted on the IAA forum:
"I received an email for Uta Lompe that the location of the meeting had to be changed from the usual place:
Quote of her English translation:
On 04/09/2015 I have learned that there is a new tenant for the Baxmann center. I then added immediately to the new tenant contact. The rent which the tenant was required 8x so high, so we had originally expected.
After many phone calls with the new tenant, the city Hessisch Oldendorf and the local press, I learned today that there is another hall in Hessisch Oldendorf in the industrial area for events.
After a visit and a conversation I rented the hall for our event.
Although the rent is also higher than calculated, but it lacks only € 2,500.00.
The costs should, after consultation with Rudi seed, will be allocated to all registered members. Thus, in the Registration 10.00 € will be collected.
The new venue is the Palace Gjyveri in Fabrikstrasse 41, next Bessmann Fashion Outlet.
More information in the local press
Please send this information even further.
Until 09.23.2015 in Hessisch Oldendorf Best regards Uta
"I received an email for Uta Lompe that the location of the meeting had to be changed from the usual place:
Quote of her English translation:
On 04/09/2015 I have learned that there is a new tenant for the Baxmann center. I then added immediately to the new tenant contact. The rent which the tenant was required 8x so high, so we had originally expected.
After many phone calls with the new tenant, the city Hessisch Oldendorf and the local press, I learned today that there is another hall in Hessisch Oldendorf in the industrial area for events.
After a visit and a conversation I rented the hall for our event.
Although the rent is also higher than calculated, but it lacks only € 2,500.00.
The costs should, after consultation with Rudi seed, will be allocated to all registered members. Thus, in the Registration 10.00 € will be collected.
The new venue is the Palace Gjyveri in Fabrikstrasse 41, next Bessmann Fashion Outlet.
More information in the local press
Please send this information even further.
Until 09.23.2015 in Hessisch Oldendorf Best regards Uta