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Display/Collection Plastic Tubes for storing individual Small Arms Ammunition


New Member

I have noticed these plastic tubes used for storing individual rounds on http://www.ammo-one.com and wonder if any members use their own and where do they source them?
Also does anyone recommend any particular cartridge storage/display holders that can cater for largely varying sizes in one container
The drawers that are shown are nice. For big collections, drawers that are used for blueprints are really handy. They can be 4 feet wide by 3 feet long and 1-1/2 to 2 inches deep, and sometime deeper. The Woodin collection is organized in drawers like that.
For mid and small sized small arms I keep mine loose in cabinets. To hold them in place I use carpet runners - the plastic material that stores sell to protect carpets around entry areas. You can by it by the yard/meter, and if you turn it over you have a variety of studs/grooves used to keep the runner material in place on the carpet. I buy mine based on the spacing of these studs, using different sized for different calibers, then cut to fit my drawers.

I do use plastic tubes as you have shown, but only for tiny pieces like flechettes. The tubes then sit on runner material like the larger cartridges. The most economical source I have found for tubes on on Amazon, they are available through commercial supplers but at a much higher cost.

An interesting idea there US-Subs.
I just wonder how good for long term storage/display.
The type of plastic used for these runners has a fair amount of plasticiser that often reacts with paint or other materials.

No indications of any problems so far, I've been using them for going on 4 years -
Thanks guys, I'll be looking out for some trays to get me started but the lesson is for me to use a little lateral thinking and keep my eyes out next time I'm at the DIY store.