Now I have spent over a third of mu life in EOD, another (almost third) in the explosive community. I now have a small explosvies safety/engineering company whre I just take on jobs I want or if someone comes to me with enough money to "whore myself out". I just received a job where a small munitions company I do alot of work for, called about an OSHA inspection (in the US OSHA is our federal government safety enforcement agency). The company did OK except for one finding - OSHA sited them for cutting det cord with M2 crimpers. That the manufacture data sheet that is shipped withthe roll of detonating cord said not to use a shear or other cutting device, and that a razor or sharp knife should be used. "Oh no Mr Bill we're going to blow ourselfs up".
I've tried in past to address this problem, contacting as many commercial explosive firms as I could, from the US to Pakistan to South Africa. Each one of them agreed using M2 crimpers was not safe. So I contacted the US Dept of Defense Explosive safety group, they don't have a problem with using crimpers. Hell I've been cutting det cord with crimpers since I was 19 years old and I am considerably older now.
I have been asked to get this finding taken back, got an idea what I am going to o, but thought I'd throw this out there for comment
I've tried in past to address this problem, contacting as many commercial explosive firms as I could, from the US to Pakistan to South Africa. Each one of them agreed using M2 crimpers was not safe. So I contacted the US Dept of Defense Explosive safety group, they don't have a problem with using crimpers. Hell I've been cutting det cord with crimpers since I was 19 years old and I am considerably older now.
I have been asked to get this finding taken back, got an idea what I am going to o, but thought I'd throw this out there for comment