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Combat Cash

Jolly Green

Well-Known Member

Discovery Channel does it again!
Just when I thought I'd seen enough of reality shows Discovery Channel comes up with one that is like a cross between American Pickers and Pawn Stars goes Military Surplus.
I couldn't believe it! A show about Military Surplus dealers looking for stuff for people, going to reenactments and gear all over the place. Here's a link. Catch it if you can.
These shows just piss me off. Pawn stars shows how those people screw everyone that steps into their shop with something to sell, and American pickers is about the same.
Great... yet another "reality" show that will only add to the inflated prices of collectables.
I thought eBay was bad enough! Pawn stars, American pickers, Canadian pickers and now Combat cash... we'll all be paying $1000 for an empty, fired 9mm brass casing before long.

Where will it all end?
...Introducing "Couch Potatoes", the new reality show about people watching reality shows.
Agreed but with this one at least we get to see militaria although the guy admits he buys stuff cheap while traveling around and can return to So Cal. where his shop is and get 5 times what he paid.
I am with Hazord and others on this one. IMHO too, Pawn Stars, American Pickers, and Combat Cash, seem to be the ones really ripping off the people. I cannot understand it nor do I believe these shows should be on TV when all they do is show eye candy. It makes your blood pressure rise and your pulse as well. It almost makes you wish that you were able to jump through the TV and tell these people "NO!" even though it was recorded sometime before its actuall showing. I would also be able to tell them that Rick wants it for any price, when they shoot him sitting down and telling them that he wants it no matter the price, then he comes out with a starting deal at $100.00.

For example, on Pawn Stars a guy came in to sell an Ejection Seat. With him (Rick) doing his usual saying. "Well, I don't know what to do with this. It is one, going to take me a while to sell it. I am gonna have to do this and this and that and put a lot of extra money into refinishing this so... before I can sell it to the right person and it may also spend years taking up valuable space." I'll give you a $100.00 and not one penny more." I realize the fact that he needs to make money in order to stay open, but hey, come on now. I'd myself take the ejection seat and make him a really good offer. I know what it is and since I also collect anything related to "Aircrew Survival Kits, componets, and ejection seats" I'd have told him to take it to Nellis and see if it was stolen first by an ALSE Sergeant or OIC. Then if it was not stolen, I would then make sure that the rockets were de-activated and then offer him a better price for it. Pawn Stars live not to far from Nellis Air Force Base, therefore IMHO it would sell in a matter of weeks. By the way, have you ever notice that American Pickers, Pawn Shop, and American Restoration, all work with each other to get things restored then re-sell them for higher prices. Just a little weird.

And....these so called "experts" that always seem to low ball almost everything that is within their expertice, just as though they might be working on behalf of Rick and his and his dorky son. Chumley (sp) on the other hand is to me what makes the show a little more bareable at times.

You'd also think that the people wanting to sell their item(s) would also do some some "Research, Googling and/or looking into E-Bay" before going in to sell or at the very least go to a website that deals with that particular web site such as would be the site on ejection seat subject! So, I also believe that we still have some people that lack in the common sense arena. On Combat Cash, I know a few of us here that belong to another web site know who Bob Chatt is. He and the other "California Boys" which I was told they call themselves because they stick together and back each other on threads to buy things cheaper too.

Last episode of Combat Cash, Bob Chatt sold a kid a supposedly old WWII medic helmet to a guy for a $1,000. That one there blew my mind when the kid had the money but not on him at the time. I am going to try that re-enactment up at Conneaut, Ohio for the D-Day show on Lake Erie. I only live about an hour and a half away. I'd like to meet Bob Chatt in person. He had made a statement about something he sold that this is $1,000 here but I can sell it in California for $1200. This is where the prices fluctulate and the folks that live and do their selling out to the Eastern part of the country are asking quite exuberent prices. This is one way I believe that prices are skyrocketing.

All just my opinion and again forgive me for the long post and the ranting and raving. This subject hits me everytime my Son watches them and I have long awaited for the right time to bring this up in a thread. Thanks John.

I really did take a deep breath, in fact quite a few of em. So, I am feeling better (in Monty Python's Holy grail) now. Thanks John and Rick; good to have friends around.

I believe it is time to take my medicine and go to sleep with my dog.
Hello All - I have been following this thread with interest as last year went on a short vacation to Las Vegas with a couple of mates (a cheapy four day jolly over the pond). My mates the second day were sleeping off a hangover from the night before so I took the time to visit this place "Pawn Stars" as I don't or haven't drunk alcohol for years now and was feeling fine. Well ! It was a most interesting visit - Firstly behind the strip as anyone knows who has been there, are not dozens but literatlly hundreds of pawn shops and the like, capitalising on peoples bad luck from gambling and thier addiction. People selling their wedding rings at one more chance at the table to turn their luck. Alot of people crying, selling everything their watches. People get very emotional in these places and I witnessed people literally taking the pittence for their items what they were offered because they had to get back to the tables.

Now the thing that the cameras don't show is that in "Pawn Stars" there is a huge black guy which is a bouncer and he is active all the time throwing people out or if people start a fuss he manhandles them and throws them out on the street. I was in the shop for about an hour as there is lots to see. The only militaria I saw were really nice US WW2 uniforms, medals and aa Russian Mig helmet with oxygen mask, no grenades or the like. But it made me feel quite upset for the people desperatly selling their possession and the couldn't care less attitude of the people behind the counter. They came across heartless and the show does not show this at all. When I have seen the show it has been relatively quite and civilised - my visit was pandamonium, alot of swearing and "if you don't want that price mate get out - take it or leave it attitude". I just thought I would throw my personal visit into this thread as what I have said above was what happened on that particular day. I felt very angry towards all the people behind the counter..... Barry
That sounds more like the show Hardcore Pawn.
As far as the people behind the counter not seeming to care, they don't. It's a job, they see thousands of people, it's a business and the people come in there voluntarily to get themselves out of a jam that they got themselves into. It's not a soup kitchen. And besides, most of them just go back to the casino with what they got anyways.
The part of the show I dislike most is Rick's history lessons.
In the end it's all just entertainment.
As Jolly Green says, The customers come in of their own free will. If FAST CASH is what you want then FAST CASH is what you will get, but it comes at a price; selling your item for 30% or less of it's actual value.
It is your responsibility to find out what your item is worth and with the internet that is not too hard even on the more obscure items. "The fool and his money are soon parted". CAVEAT VENDITOR - seller beware. Pat
I have found out that my remarks on this subject and some others here have reached Bob Chatt. Somebody, and I am not sure who, took these opinions from here and the turned them around and sent them to Mr. Chatt without our permission to do so. So, here we have it. A certain person who has knowledge of this thread and felt the nead to post this to Mr. Chatt needs to learn not to do this. I would really like the person to admit his mistake and since I know this person probably does not have the "Twins" to do it. I will be watching and waiting for you and I will find you. What stays here, stays here!
Who is Mr. Chatt?
If he's on the show, not to worry.
I never saw it on again anyways.
One thing to remember guys, when watching these shows, they're only entertainment. That's their main purpose and should be taken as nothing else.
They're all taped and edited to give them the most entertainment value.

Want to watch something good? See Bomb Patrol Afghanistan. Navy EOD. Good Shtuff!