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Can you identify this?


Ordnance approved
Wii remote/lighter for scale :)

The base has the following markings:

3 at '12 o'clock'

A star at 3 and 9 o'clock

64 at '6 o'clock'

The fluting along the cartidge case leads me to believe it is an inspection or drill round, there are 4 circular indents around the throat of the cartidge case that appear to hold the projectile portion of the round in position.

The calibre is approximately 12 - 15mm.
The "3" Indicates that this round was made at: Ulyanovsk Machinery Plant State Production Association, 2 Metallistov St. Ulyanovosk 432031, Russia

The "64" is a date of 1964.

As far as I know, no one has yet come up with a definite meaning for the stars. Some cases have two like yours, some have one and some have none.
The stars have a factory internal meaning as for the technology the cases are produced with.

Crazy Legs:
for more info just google "14.5x114".
The weapons this cartridge was made for are:
PTRS and PTRD AT rifles and the KPV / KPVT machine gun.