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Can anyone ID a german uniform from the last war?


Well-Known Member
My mate's grandad was a german soldier who was a POW over here and died without mentioning the war again. He has 3 black and white photos of him in uniform and I was just wondering if it was worth posting it for ID, bearing in mind it is British Ordnance you enjoy?
Happy to have a go Ringo,problem with black and white photo's is that the coloured pipeing on parts of the uniform denoted the branch/arm of the German Army ie white=infantry,red artillary ect

Thanks vm



in the second photo, it's the uniform on the left. Rank would be great,too

Ringo, this is the site I was trying to remmber. They are very friendly (jeez, they accepted me!) here is a great site to show your pics. Just join and you will probably have an answer within a couple hours if not sooner! I feel it is the best site on the subject!

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Hi Ringo,
at a first glance the cap badges in the second photo look like Feldgendarmerie(field police) and the rank in the first photo looks to be Unteroffizier(sergent) unless there are two pips on the shoulder straps,which can not be seen in the photo,which would be Hauptfeldwebel(SGT major/top sergent?)
The first photo looks to be the latest as the rank,iron cross 2nd class ribbon and assualt badge(trying to id) have been awarded and not shown in the others,also checking the arm band and will let you know what I find

That's brilliant Tony, thanks! I forgot to say (thought I posted it) that he was an Oberfeldwebel
Hi Ringo,

Pic one looks to be a private purchase NCO jacket with a green collar.could
be lighteweigh summer.the badges he has are the horsemans badge and the SA
sports badge..

Photo 2 is a couple of policemen with the DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT armband.

Photo 3 looks like typical army infantry. The guy sitting in the middle is
a PFC with the oberschutz pip on his sleeve.

Wow,you guys are good! Thanks!

How do you mean private purchase? NCO stands for? Sorry, I don't know

Horseman's badge for controlling horses in the army?

Wehrmacht are purely army soldiers?

What is a PFC?

Why should it be a modified jacket?

Sorry, I just know about V2 rocket parts and anti-aircraft fuzes :eek:)
Thanks Drew,
the horsemans badge also explains the 'officers' type riding breeches and the cross strap on an enlisted mans belt,took this badge,because of the position on the pocket, to be a silver wound badge(teach me to look more carefully)

Wow,you guys are good! Thanks!

How do you mean private purchase? NCO stands for? Sorry, I don't know
private purchase means tunic of no standard pattern, may be reworked
captured stocks of material reissued to the germans troops

"NCO" stands for "non commissioned officer"

Horseman's badge for controlling horses in the army?
Yes, [FONT=mono****e]the [/FONT]horsemans badge was awarded for equestrian skill

Wehrmacht are purely army soldiers?
Actually, photo 2 is not police but rad [FONT=mono****e]("[/FONT]reichs arbiets diest", which translates to "German Labour Force") which indicates that he was in service of the German Army with the armband.

From memory, they all went as kids to teenagers dj,hj,sa,rad then armed forces

(Hj is "Hilter Youth")

What is a PFC?
Private First Class

Why should it be a modified jacket?
See "private purchase" response above..but that was someone else's comment

Sorry, I just know about V2 rocket parts and anti-aircraft fuzes


See inline comments above:

I only know a little about fuzes.........I lost interest in German badges, daggers etc a long long time ago when the market was flooded with (and still is) with fakes - hard enough with japanese swords with "gimei" signatures.....

But I may be way of track!!!!

Ringo, the German jacket had 5 buttons. The Dutch army jacket had 7 buttons. A lot of Dutch jackets were modified by changing the collar and the pockets to the german style.