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British Trip Flare Mk2/1 Help Needed


New Member
Dear BOCN. I'm after some help with some details of the attached trip flare. My apologies if the info is already on here, I've not been able to find anything about the Mk2. A fair few of these have been found at a former Nuclear Storage Site at RAF Barnham in Suffolk by the owner's son. I'm currently helping to compile the history of the site. We know that there was a sterile area where these flares were on trip wires and were also placed on top of the inner concrete wall. It would be great if anyone had any pictures of the complete system to use on the website I've been voluntarily making to preserve the history of the site. We think that when the site was decommissioned that the RAF/MoD fired them all off rather than remove them and hence the empty casings were lying about everywhere. I've identified the pyrotechnic store where they were kept and so it would be good if anyone had any pictures or info about how the flares would have been stored within that building . Thanks for your time. Sam (http://rafbarnham-nss.weebly.com/)

Hopefully, the attached photo's will help. The outer box is for MK 3/1 Trip Flares but the others are MK 2/1.

I'm not sure when the Mark numbers changed, but I know the 3/1 was in use by the mid-1970's.

By the way, I bought the trip flare in Belgium and it is completely empty!



trip flare manual equipment.jpgtrip flare manual set up.jpgtrip flare tin.jpgtrip flare packaging.jpgtrip flare.jpgtrip flare outer box.jpg
The green painted cap on the top consists of a thin foil disc within a screw-threaded brass ring. When the trip flare fires the burning composition ruptures the disc and light and flame are emitted from the top of the flare.

Hopefully, the attached photo's will help. The outer box is for MK 3/1 Trip Flares but the others are MK 2/1.

I'm not sure when the Mark numbers changed, but I know the 3/1 was in use by the mid-1970's.

By the way, I bought the trip flare in Belgium and it is completely empty!



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could you supply a detailed view of the fuze (pistol/triggering device) of this flare or a description of its construction/function ? Thanks in advance,

I just read this post. I went to Barnham in around 84or so. I was based at Honington in the Armoury and they did some tactical training in and around the area. The Royal Anglians were also using the area at the time.
We did a lot of running round in the dark and planted (and set off !) plenty of these!

Just a little side story for you. Thought you may be interested!

Hi guys,
I have just got hold of some mk2 flares in the greeny/brown boxes as shown in Gary's post but I don't have any pickets, would any one know how I will get hold of them, been searching online but to no avail. Is it something that would be easier for me to make???
Some pickets were converted into earthing tools - Tool CP 75 - by the addition of a brass handle to the top of a picket. If this type of ammo is still in use it might be worth trying to contact the staff at your local infantry training area to see if they can supply you with some. Once the store has been used the pickets are no more than scrap and most likely end up in a heap somewhere.

I must apologise for the length of time it has taken me to reply to this and have no excuse other than I never checked back after posting the question. That's really useful information and great pictures for contect. Thanks for taking the time to share.

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