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Brass nose cone caps?


Ordnance approved
Any ideas anyone?

I have 7, marked thus:
NO 207 1 CY 12\41LOT 678
NO 207 1 CY 8/41 LOT 462
NO 207 1 CY 1/42 LOT 716
NO 207 1 CY 1/42 LOT 716
NO 207 1 CY 1/42 LOT 716
NO 207 1 CY 1/42 LOT 703
NO 207 1 CY 6/41 LOT unreadable

They all have a blue T painted on them.

There fuze covers from No. 207 fuzes.

'the cover, of brass, fits over the fuze and is fitted with a rubber ring at its lower end, the cover and ring being clamped on the body by a securing band. The band fits over a flange on the body and is pressed tightly round and secured by copper wire. A hole in the band coincides with one of the tommy holes in the body of the fuze. When issued the cover is hemetically sealed'

Markings are
(a) Number and Mark of fuze.
(b) Initials of filling firm or station.
(c) Date of filling.
(d) Filled lot number

the 207 fuze was mechanical time fuze used in 3.7 inch anti aircraft guns. The mechanism ran for 43 seconds (although there was a naval version that ran for 71 seconds developed in 1943!). Introduced in 1939 and declared obsolete in 1941. The blue 'T' denotes that the fuze under the cover is a time fuze. Anyone got a spare No. 207 fuze? Dave
Thanks Rrickoshae, forgot to mention what the blue 'T' signified. I've also got reference that the fuze was declared obsolete in 1941 (British fuze's/switch's 1805 until present).

The Handbook for the Ordnance, Q.F. 3.7-inch Marks 1, 2 and 3 (1945) states:

'This fuze is spring-operated mechanical type controlled by an escapement and the time of running is variable between 0 to 45 seconds.
It is generally similar to the No. 208 and by which it will eventually be replaced. There are structural differences in the bodies of the two fuzes and the No. 207 is not provided with a muzzle safety device'.

So according to the handbook the fuze was still in service in late 45 and ran for 45 seconds. I'm guessing that the 'British fuzes' information is in error?
