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Any ideas what these are?


New Member
Hi. Whilst out in the last few days at a well known dumping ground around here, i came across the following. any help in identifying them would be great.
the round items are metal, about 3 inches across. The main one pictured still has traces of green paint. The staps with the buckles are also metal and all are badly corroded. there are hundreds of these buried together in the undergrowth, along with what seems to be a holder of some sort of which i dug up 2. there are round spaces to hold objects, pretty sure projectiles of some sort as pictured.
This area was used after the war by the MOD to dispose of cordite, of which many rusty canisters still remain.
Thanks in advance



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Hi Risky

Pictures 4 and 5 could be the end caps and handle off either the 2" or 3" mortar tubes?
(just re-read your post..........3" mortar tubes given the size !!!)

(Three cardboard tubes held together by bands of wire and metal end caps.) - sure theres a picture of one on site somewhere.

regards Kev
2nd picture looks like a shell carrier from a P59 for 25 pr rounds, the other pictures show the end caps and carrying handles for 3" Mortar or possibly P.I.A.T. rounds

thanks and well done for the ID
seems to be the end caps from PIAT 3". Come to think of it there was a lot of soggy cardboard in there too !! So preety sure it is the tubes used for transportation
havent found any pics anywhere of the carrier, but ill keep an eye out

many thanks again