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AGM-114 Hellfire Warhead Manufacturers

As you may have noticed, I love this great piece of American engineering.

I'm looking for any information regarding the manufacturers of the warheads of the different types of AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, especially the AGM-114K Hellfire II.

According to my research, the warheads of the AGM-114K Hellfire II were probably made by a number of different American firms over the years such as CMS, Inc; Primex; ATK.

Any further information and or corrections would be much appreciated.

I'm also looking for an older ATK brochure about their warheads produced at Rocket Center, West Virginia, a.k.a. Allegany Ballistics Laboratory. I cannot find this anywhere online unfortunately.

Were the warheads of the AGM-114F and the AGM-114K identical? Both were tandem shape charge.

Thank you for any help.

P.S. From what I've learned, the AGM-114K HEAT and AGM-114L 'Longbow' used exactly the same warhead. Could someone please confirm this?

ATK made not only the AGM-114L warhead but also the shape charge liner of the AGM-114K. The question remains however, if another firm made the precursor of the AGM-114K, possibly for instance GD-OTS. This raises the question if ATK did not have the manufacturing ability to produce the AGM-114K precursor (unlikely, note the firm's experience, resources and vast production complex at Rocket Center) or if another firm, e.g. GD-OTS held the rights to produce the AGM-114K precursor.

ATK also made the AGM-114N MAC warhead or metal augmented charge, sometimes referred to as a thermobaric weapon.

Any corrections, clarifications or further information would be much appreciated.