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AAD Bomb

Known to bomb disposal as yellow perils they were a nasty device that caused problems., disposing of them , trying to warn the public about going anywhere near them , and not to pull the trailing wire . a rare item the last one owned for a short while went to a private collection, i bought it on ebay.
Thank you, Just what I am looking for. These caused so much damage during the war and afterwards to people and livestock. The FBB trials were rushed with poorly designed and inefficient mechanics so many came down on the mainland intact but armed and dangerous. How more were not killed is a miracle. They improved to some 80% efficiency but just as they were getting the device to a reliable working stage the Germans almost ceased mass bombing and the project was shelved. The concept was good but the devices were hostages to the wind which did not help.
At some stage I would like to run a webpage on the FBB and would love it if I could use these pics?. I would of course credit BOCN.