This is another item purchased many years ago when i first started out collecting ordnance and would often come across various shell cases in the then many old junk and antique shops we used to have around Broadway and Evesham. This very nice 6 inch brass shell case was fired by a 6inch naval gun and is dated 1904. I found this in an antique shop back in 1985 in Campden not far from Broadway in Worcestershire. I paid 30 for it back then which was quite a lump out of my wages but being free and single at the time it didnt matter. Now it was pretty heavy and it would not fit into the back sack i had taken so i had to have it on the foot rest of the Honda Melody moped i used to have which didnt leave much of a foot rest! Ive not come across one of these since and at first i thought it was a cut down case, but its what they call a stub case and is used with a bag charge as im sure most of us will know. Ive had it ever since which is nice as the shop it came from has long since vanished into the tourist circus to become yet another tea shop in that pretty old village. Regards to all Tim.
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