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A little Help please

Billy's Bullets

New Member
I was wondering if I could use the vast knowledge collected here for a little help in some identification. I was out antiquing this weekend and came across some peculiar "Metal Planters" at one location. Now I don't know alot about Ordnance, but I do have a small military collection and this looked a little to well made to be a planter. I was certain it was a tail fin from something, so I purchased it. The lady had 3 more like it and was wondering if it would be worth my while to get the rest. I have read some threads about people putting displays together and looking for fins, and I would hate to see something rusting away in the dirt if it could be used to restore some History.

I have attached a couple of pictures. I someone might know something and let me know I would appreciate it. Thanks for your time....


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Hello! Exhibition times here!! US TM 9-1980 BOMBS FOR AIRCRAFT greeting from Germany Harry


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Specifically for a 100 pound general purpose bomb.