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90mm TP-T tank round ID help

steve rb

Well-Known Member
Going round and round on Google for the last 2 hours with no luck. Picked this up recently and it was described as a 90mm French fin stabilished (TP-T?) round from the AMX tank. But I cant seem to validate that or get any info or matching pictures anywhere I've tried....

Any info you have to hand would be much appreciated!

It looks like a Belgian 90mm Cockerill practise round. It is missing the driving bands.

If you search for Cockerill on the website you will see quite a few posts on it.
think you're right, I'd already found this :


but the fin bit didn't stack up at all, seem to be a training round for the HE variant though :


I've spare driving bands of that size, but it's a bit bent up so not sure it was a good buy, but still part of the learning curve!
I have seen Cockerill rounds with both types of fins.

Search BOCN for more information.

Aslo used in France as BSCC 90 Mle F1 (Boulet Simili Charge Creuse) for practice.

Agree with Minenaz, marking let say that you've a french projo.

BSCC 90 F1 = Boulet Simulation Charge Creuse - 90 mm - modle F1
5-ASS-78 = lot numbering - Atelier de Chargement de Salbris, France - year of manufacturing
T = tracer

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Agree with Minenaz, marking let say that you've a french projo.

BSCC 90 F1 = Boulet Simulation Charge Creuse - 90 mm - modle F1
5-ASS-78 = lot numbering - Atelier de Chargement de Salbris, France - year of manufacturing
T = tracer


So, done a bit more research and it seems I'm looking at one of two options as it appears to be from the GIAT TS 90 gun, which can either be fitted to the updated AMX-13/90 tank when they replaced the 75mm gun between 1967 and the early 80's (which would fit with the date) or the VBC-90 'armoured car'.


Where I am still at a loss is what the case should be, there seem to be 2 charge variants, the high and low pressure, which come with different cases but I cannot determine the gun or projo differences....


Mk3 is the short one and mk8 is the long...?
Which would be the correct case for my projectile once restored?
