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9.2" ' How. cartridge' crate


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Afternoon all, close to finishing this replica 9.2" How. charge crate. Its a copy of an original I have in my small collection and during lockdown I decided to attempt to build one (later 3!) to the exact size and placement of screws etc. They stood in the attic until recently, and this one is the first of the 3 to receive attention. So far, I'm pretty pleased with it. Incidently, the original crate, although marked N.C.T. 4 Cartges, 9.2" How, etc, had 'Braby 60Pdr' stamped into the end grain on the corner? Repurchased? Any, hope you enjoy the images. Cheers!


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Could be - more modern boxes, common examples such as the H50, H83 and M104 variously contained different varieties of factory packed ammo. When it came to fractioning boxes for issue from the depot, we had a box store from which we took whatever was big enough to hold what needed to be issued and we filled in some paperwork to request that that model of box was suitable for packing the nature for issue.
Cheers Ammotechxt, makes sense. If there's a box to suit already, why make another? I've a few modern metal boxes (used more as storage) some of which are identical but marked for different stores. Incidentally, would you know the colour code for the Brown paint used on British boxes? Many thanks.
Morning gents, just a quick update on the finished boxes. All 3 now complete. A very enjoyable project which seems to have paid off. A few bits yet to fettle but I'm satisfied. Making the 'Govt Explosives' label/seal was trial and error..the original label has a mesh backing (I'm assuming to prevent tampering/tearing). A bit of Muslin and lot of fiddling later, it was achieved, so each label is now as the original. Enjoy!
The colour is called Service Brown and yes, it probably has a code number but I do not know it. A quick Google of Service Brown throws up a British Standard reference: BS 381 or 381C, depending on which you look at. Both give the code number 499. An aerosol can of the paint can be bought for about £15.