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75mm projectile authentic or replica?


Well-Known Member
This is a horrific cellphone picture a dealer sent me; thus I apologize in advance.

The 75mm recoiless casing is obvious, but does anyone have any idea what type of projectile that is?

If I remember correctly, the dealer stated that the projectile was metal.

We cannot see any details, but the ogtive/tip/windscreen looks too long to be that of a 75mm HEAT.

The catridge is part of a deal I plan to purchase, and the others pieces in the lot that I have seen are complete, but I do not have my hopes up on the projectile in question being authentic.


It is most likely supposed to be a HEAT projectile, but it is too short and the ogive angle is wrong, but that is the only type projo that it could be with that shape. High probability it is fake.

The only projos I've seen for 75RR are HE, WP, HEAT, and HEP.
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