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Cutaway model of a ‘75mm Kanonengranate Rot’ (75mm gun shell Red) as used in the Fk (Feldkanone/field gun) 16 nA (neuer Art / new Type). The original Fk.16 was the famous German 77mm gun from WW1. After WW1 Germany was only allowed to keep a limited number of guns, amongst them the 77mm Fk.16. In the 1930’s -during the rearmamant- the existing 77mm barrels were replaced with standarized 75mm barrels by Rheinmetal, the rest of the gun was left unchanged, including the spoked wooden wheels and horse traction. In 1940, the Fk.16 nA was the oldest gun the Wehrmacht had in use.
Quite soon one acknowledged that a 75mm gun was too light for artillery support in modern warfare, hence the Fk16 nA was used by second line troops and coastal defence.
The Kanone granate Rot consists of a two piece steel body which is screwed together. This allows the usage of a cartboard container with pressed blocks of FP.02 (TNT). The cartboard container is glued in the shell body with magnesium kit, a sort of predescessor of polyster resign. In the base of the explosive charge the smoke element No.8 is placed, allowing for observation of impact.
In top of the projectile body the ‘mundlochbuchse’ or boosterhousing is screwed, housing the Gr.Zdldg. C98 Np (large booster C98 Nitropenta), which ignites the main charge of FP.02, and is ignited itself by the flame of the fuze above it.
The used is the AZ23 Pr (presstoff), a steel skelleton over which bakelite is baked. This was done to reduce the usage of expensive and rare aluminium or brass.
The AZ 23 is a percussion / concussion fuze with an preselectable 0,15 seconds delay that can be switched on and off by rotating the screw on the side of the fuze housing. This allows a slider to open or close the central channel and shooting the flame of the firing cap directly into the C98 Np Booster, or -with delay- rerouting the flame through a pyrotechnic delay. The usage of the delay is twofold; one can shoot a shell through a wall before it explodes, or -when shooting in a flat curve- make the shell bounce up and explode mid air. With no delay the fuze is ‘superquick’.
The brass shellcase is 200 mm long and has a powder charge consisting of a base charge of halved discs of sheet Nitro cellulose, placed just above the igniter C12 St. Above that, two bags of powder are placed; bag 1 contains 150 grams Nitrocellulose tubes 135 mm long, 5,5mm in diamter with a hole 2mm through. Bag 2 has the same powder and contains 250 grams of powder.
Shell weight : 5,83 kg
Explosive charge : 0,52 kg FP02 (TNT)
Max. range : 12.300 mtrs
Vo. : 662 mtrs/sec
Regards, DJH
Quite soon one acknowledged that a 75mm gun was too light for artillery support in modern warfare, hence the Fk16 nA was used by second line troops and coastal defence.
The Kanone granate Rot consists of a two piece steel body which is screwed together. This allows the usage of a cartboard container with pressed blocks of FP.02 (TNT). The cartboard container is glued in the shell body with magnesium kit, a sort of predescessor of polyster resign. In the base of the explosive charge the smoke element No.8 is placed, allowing for observation of impact.
In top of the projectile body the ‘mundlochbuchse’ or boosterhousing is screwed, housing the Gr.Zdldg. C98 Np (large booster C98 Nitropenta), which ignites the main charge of FP.02, and is ignited itself by the flame of the fuze above it.
The used is the AZ23 Pr (presstoff), a steel skelleton over which bakelite is baked. This was done to reduce the usage of expensive and rare aluminium or brass.
The AZ 23 is a percussion / concussion fuze with an preselectable 0,15 seconds delay that can be switched on and off by rotating the screw on the side of the fuze housing. This allows a slider to open or close the central channel and shooting the flame of the firing cap directly into the C98 Np Booster, or -with delay- rerouting the flame through a pyrotechnic delay. The usage of the delay is twofold; one can shoot a shell through a wall before it explodes, or -when shooting in a flat curve- make the shell bounce up and explode mid air. With no delay the fuze is ‘superquick’.
The brass shellcase is 200 mm long and has a powder charge consisting of a base charge of halved discs of sheet Nitro cellulose, placed just above the igniter C12 St. Above that, two bags of powder are placed; bag 1 contains 150 grams Nitrocellulose tubes 135 mm long, 5,5mm in diamter with a hole 2mm through. Bag 2 has the same powder and contains 250 grams of powder.
Shell weight : 5,83 kg
Explosive charge : 0,52 kg FP02 (TNT)
Max. range : 12.300 mtrs
Vo. : 662 mtrs/sec
Regards, DJH