Thanks TonyE and SMLE2009
At the top of page is the information that I found on the K/61/L5A1 from 2 years ago, but didn't write down my reference and do not remember who wrote it (stupid). Then Purchased a few rounds at a cartridge show last month and it came with a index card that said;
"7.62 NATO Kynoch exper. trace from original marked boxes out of the Kynoch plant. Boxes marked to corespond with lot nos. and markings from Bill Woodin - Chicago APR 68, author of 30.06 book." Here is a list of the colors and numbers, maybe they can help you.
Item #
5-purple tip red ring
7-yellow tip
9-blue (light) tip
10-brown tip
12-red tip dk green ring
15-blue tip pink ring
16-pink tip dk blue ring
17-orange tip lt blue ring
18-dark blue tip lt blue ring
21-dk blue
From the older non credited information have written down:
Length of trace trials 1968 headstamp +/K/68/L2A2
Slash of piant on bullet in silver, yellow, plain, orange, green, and red
UK tracer brillianc trials 1969 headstamp +/K/69/L5A3
Slash of paint on bullet in brown, black, green, white, and lime green
Then on same page have written, and don't know if it belongs;
South African Proofs
plain PMP 72 7.62 HP
brown PMP 72 7.62 HP
yellow 86 13-289 12 (yellow case head)
green SAM 63 7.62 HP
Will take pictures later tonight of the long range trials K/61 and post them, have about 9 so far. Didn't really understand what they meant by "slash of paint on bullet", great to see.
Thanks again kevin