Unfortunately, once out of the packet there is no way to tell who made a Snider round, although the great majority were made at RL Woolwich.
There were nine marks of Snider ball for British service plus a Mark X for India, and of course blank and two Marks of buckshot. There was also a "Special AAA Shot" load for British prison service.
Identity of the early marks is difficult. The Pattern I is easy as it has a Potet base not a Boxer base with the iron disc. Patterns II, III and IV all look the same with a sycamore wood nose plug and covered in white paper, the differences only being in the bullet weight and type of cannelures. The Pattern V has brown paper covering not white, which is what you have.
The Mark VI (titles changed from Pattern to Mark) had a single black band , the Mark VII also had a single black band but no wooden nose plug, the Mark VIII had two black bands, the Mark IX a single red band and the Mark X two thin red bands.
Your second round is a Mark IX.
Here are pictures of mine. I am mising Patterns II and III, but since they are so difficult to identify it is hard to find them!
Picture 1 is Pattern I, IV, V, VI and VII, picture 2 is Mark IX, VIII, X, Buckshot Mark I and II. The last picture is of Australian, New zealand and Canadian rounds which are equally problematic.