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40mm grenade


Well-Known Member

I have this 40mm grenade which I wondering is painted to be a live round instead of a dummy. I havent found any info regarding the marking. Any info regarding this nade would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.



  • IMG_2245.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 138
The LOS in the LOT number area points me to Germany. So I would say its a German round. Can't tell you much more. Is there any other markings on the round?

It is German, made by Dynamit Nobel (DN). Unfortunately I do not have information on this particular model number round. The fact that it has "live" round markings is not all that unusual. I am a little puzzled though on why it has an unpainted ogive, but not having seen an actual live round I do not know how they are painted. This could have been a live round that someone inerted, which is why the markings. Manufactuers also make up dummy rounds quite for use at arms shows and in presentations that have the markings of a live round. I am sure that some member no doubt has information on the round.
Seeing many Arms Show versions of projectiles, I was thinking the same thing. It seems very generic with no nomenclature. Maybe a test model, fired for balistics nothing more?

Thats why I was wondering if there were any more markings? Stamped on it perhaps?

The grenade is definitely fired because it has markings from the barrel. What puzzles me is that this item seems to have internal part. A practice round usually dont have any internal part? I havent tried to pick it apart and dont know how to do it. Anyone have any suggestion on how I should do it? There is none other markings on the projectile than what is painted on it.


  • CIMG2815.jpg
    80.5 KB · Views: 25
The grenade is definitely fired because it has markings from the barrel. What puzzles me is that this item seems to have internal part. A practice round usually don’t have any internal part? I haven’t tried to pick it apart and don’t know how to do it. Anyone have any suggestion on how I should do it? There is none other markings on the projectile than what is painted on it.

Just because something shows signs of firing this does not indicate it is safe.It could be a blind and without 100% positive id what it is and that its safe ,you should not try or even think about disassembling it,The safest option is to call the authuoritys who will have it dealt with properly.
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