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3pdr IV


Active Member

I would like to know what all the signs on this cartridge mean.
RL = Manufacturer: Royal Laboratories, Woolwich
1936 = Date
N = Naval
LOT 268 = Lot number
But what about F, JR in a circle, JX in a rectangle, WN in a rectangle and the stamps on the primer?


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The primer is straight forward

No15 II N - No 15 primer Mark 2 Naval service.
VAD - Vickers Armstrong, Deptford (manufacturers of the primer)
1941 - Year of manufacturer
BR - Bridgend - filled the primer
10-41 October 1941, date of filling.

The case is a different story

An 'F' would normally form part of the 'Life of Case' markings. However, for this period it would be prefixed by a 'C' indicating (for this period) smokeless powder (or just possibly a 'P' - gunpowder) and the 'F' indicating that it was a full charge as opposed to 'R' - reduced charge. Furthermore, this 'F' is in a serif font which is not standard.

Normally initials within a rectangle indicate the contractor responsible for repairing the case. So in this instance it would appear the case has been repaired twice.


Tim. G.
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