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37mm case ID


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hello all,

Would anyone happen to know what this case is? It has the (I assume) US crossed cannons, but then Euro style 11, followed by Japanese? Makers mark? There are other partial stamps or strange characters as well.

It’s 36.5mm inside the neck,
54.3mm rim
165.35 overall length.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you Slick! I looked it up with your ID, and the marks seem to match! I don’t collect Japanese, and have likely never even seen any of their ordnance first hand.
Thank you Slick! I looked it up with your ID, and the marks seem to match! I don’t collect Japanese, and have likely never even seen any of their ordnance first hand.
Your case is 37 x 165 for types 94 anti-tank gun and types 98 and 100 tank guns.
The 37 x 132 type 94 tank gun uses a shorter case.
(Read right to left) headstamp says:
Showa ten eleven Osaka Army Arsenal. + = 10. 11 is eleventh month. So date is Showa 10 November meaning November 1935.
Crossed cannons is for Osaka Army Arsenal.
Thank you for the breakdown of the headstamp markings! I have no reference material for these. I bought it as a lamp, and knowing it wasn’t standard US 37mm length, I was hoping it was an AAC or National Forge case. Japanese was unexpected!
Thanks again,