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30mm Rarden TP ?


Well-Known Member
Hi I am picking these three Rarden TP's up are there different size bodys on Raren projectiles etc . I have added a picture of a longer body Rarden also a smashed range find I have just like the ones in the picture , to the right is a 40mm projectile think APHE missing drive band any ideas on that . I wont have better pictures until I get them . just wondering if the Rarden TP-T I have is the same as the unfired ones and are they still in use or is it just the longer body TP's , hope all that made sence Cheers Ken


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Interesting - you sure not GAU TP projectiles?
How comw no evidence of paint for unfired?
Also - want to sell/swap one???!!
Hi mate i dont get them to December had a couple of mates saying they are the new Rarden TP-T ??.. Def same as my range find TP-T . Seen same projectiles on a web site last nite . Think the paint could have been stripped off ???
I may be able to get more .?? Got someone looking out for a load of inert kit for December these ones are on hold for me . On Kens Shelf .

Cheers Ken
No paint is odd as even fired ones still show signs of blue paint still left on them.....doesn't GAU projectiles use nylon drive bands?
Your range find TP-T Rarden projectiles are in current use by the UK Ken.

P.S....I'm sure I recognize that 'shelf' and you can be sure that they are what he tells you they are:tinysmile_twink_t:
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No paint is odd as even fired ones still show signs of blue paint still left on them.....doesn't GAU projectiles use nylon drive bands?
Your range find TP-T Rarden projectiles are in current use by the UK Ken.

P.S....I'm sure I recognize that 'shelf' and you can be sure that they are what he tells you they are:tinysmile_twink_t:

Yes your right i have had a mail confirming they are current Rarden TP-T
Thanks mate
The unfired ones are RARDEN TP-T and are current. The range find you show in the first three pics, i suspect that the two pieces do not belong together as looking at how mangled the steel section is i would have thought the aluminum nose section would of come off worse. Your 4th pic may show a HE, but more likely A TP with the old ogive.