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30 x 97/B


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Attached are a couple of photos showing a 30 x 86/B Aden LV on the left, a 30 x 111/B Aden HV on the right and a 30 x 97/B in the middle.
My question is about the one in the middle.
Is it simply a brass cased D.E.F.A 30-540 that's not been headstamped or did Adens get tried in this case length too?
I think its probably a D.E.F.A but was looking for confirmation. I got an alloy Aden LV and an alloy Aden HV off the same guy so it wouldn't surprise me if it was an odd Aden.
All primers etc INERT etc.
30 x 97B 002.jpg30 x 97B 001.jpg
Hi Dave
Looking at photos of the normal DEFA 30x97B rounds the cases seem to have completely straight sides (as in the 86 and 111/113mm rounds).
However the case in your photo has a distinct shoulder/neck. Interesting indeed.
I cannot provide info , merely share my observation...
If anyone has a spare 30x97B DEFA round, i am very interested. Also a 30x150B round. LOL
Labbett's booklet on Aden ammo mentions two case lengths being tried in order to provide a higher velocity than the 30x86B: one had a 120mm case length, the other (which was selected) had a 111mm length. No mention of 97mm.

A pic of post-WW2 aircraft ammo from the Ammo Photo Gallery on my website for you to enjoy: http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk/ModernAC.jpg (sorry, file too big to post here).
Would I be right in saying the "belt" is deeper than the norm ??

Also the primer does not look to be of the normal design-I am thinking perhaps it is not of British origen ?
Would I be right in saying the "belt" is deeper than the norm ??

Also the primer does not look to be of the normal design-I am thinking perhaps it is not of British origen ?

Thanks Chris, its about the same, the photo just distorts it a bit.
The only other round with such a similar case length other than the DEFA is the 30 x 100 WECOM but that's got a 34.4mm rim (Aden/Defa is 33.2mm) and a much thicker belt so its definitely not that.
If anyone has a spare 30x97B DEFA round, i am very interested. Also a 30x150B round. LOL

Charley, which types of 30 x 97B and 30x150B are you after? There's brass and steel cased versions of the 30 x 97 B with different driving bands plus a few versions of the 30 x 150B (different proj).
Dave....I don't mind brass or steel of either 97 or 150mm rounds.
Just would like one of each for my representative collection of 30mm rounds.
Have any spare?