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20mm Oerlikon indentification

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New Member
Hello. Sorry to bump an old thread, but this is how I found your site. I live in Houston, TX and was doing some remodeling on my house this weekend. The house was built in 1953. Inside one of the walls was this shell. I believe it to be a HE Tracer for a Orelikon cannon. I cannot figure out Headstamp or nationality though. The primer apprears to not been hit, but shell seems hollow. Can anyone be of any assistance? Thanks!

wxexo[2].jpgIMG_1101.jpgIMG_1100.jpgIMG_1099.jpgPhoto Mar 19, 8 56 07 AM.jpgIMG_1102.jpg
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Hi oompahead,
It looks to be pretty live to me, i would recommend that you get it dealt with by the relevant authority in your area. Looks very much like a WW2 bring back / keepsake.
Best regards Weasel.
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